I have a friend?

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First Person POV:

 Izuku and I were walking home. As we got to the route I would normally take, Izuku told me he had to go the opposite direction. I wanted to make sure he got home safely, so I decided to walk him home. I wanted to pick up some rolls from the market anyway.

We walked a little further down the road kicking a rock back and forth to each other like a soccer ball. We made it to a tunnel and headed down it. "This seems like kind of a shady place Izuku. Are you sure it's safe to go down this way?", I asked, my voice shaking a bit. I wasn't really scared, it was more of a worry. "I walk down this way every day. It's perfectly safe, no need to worry.", Izuku said reassuringly. When he said that, all worries seemed to flow out of my body.

We were almost at the end the tunnel when I heard the messy haired boy stop. I turned to look and see what made him stop, when I saw he was almost completely engulfed in some sort of mud- no, sludge! I took a closer look and realized it was a villain! I didn't know how to react in this kind of situation, so I just ran at the villain. I didn't know why I did it, I didn't have a plan. I couldn't stop moving, it was as if my legs had a mind of their own.

Second person POV:

Once you reached the villain, he turned his eyes towards you. He chuckled at the sight of a small girl trying to defeat him. "What do you think you can do, little girl?", he started, "I don't know how yet, but I will defeat you.", you responded. This only caused him to laugh more. His laughing made him loosen his grip on Izuku. The boy took a deep breath and started coughing. The villain noticed that he had gotten freed a bit and started to suffocate him again. The villain had taken his attention off of you giving you the opportunity to take off your left shoe and throw it at him. Nothing happened. The villain punched at you, sending you flying out of the tunnel. 

You landed close to the entrance of the market area. You could still hear Izuku struggling. The sound pained you to hear.

First Person POV:

"I-Izuku.", I muttered. I tried to stand but I couldn't move. I started to crawl my way towards the tunnel. I was halfway there when I heard a booming familiar voice say, "I AM HERE!", I knew then that Izuku would be safe. 

I laid at the entrance for a little while until I felt I could move again. I stood up and went to go home. My body hurt too much to stop at the store. I was about a block away from my house. I looked to my right and saw a group of people gathered around some buildings. My body was still hurting, but I really wanted to know what was going on. As I got closer I saw Mount Lady and some other heroes, but they were just standing there, which meant that whatever was happening was either really interesting or so dangerous that not even the heroes could do anything.

As I made it into the crowd, I saw the same sludge villain from before. Although this time he had chosen a much more dangerous target than the last. None other than Bakugou Katsuki had been immersed in the green gooey liquid. The villain was sending explosions all around the area. Several buildings were on fire. The heroes were too busy trying to keep the flames at bay, unable to deal any damage to the villain.

 "Oi Kid! You're going to die! Get out of there!", one of the heroes said drawing my attention towards a panicked Midorya Izuku, running towards the villain. 

He pulled off his backpack and threw it at the villain, hitting him in the eye. Bakugou's mouth was set free and he gasped for air. The two started yelling at each other, though I couldn't tell what they were saying. I heard someone talking to themselves and turned to see my dad in his smaller form. He looked pretty stressed out. After what felt like a mere few seconds, he had changed into his hero form and smashed the villain into the air. Mount Lady put her arms around the crowd I was in and shielded us from the wind. We looked back up to see the number 1 hero ALL MIGHT with his fist raised in the air. Before anyone could blink it started to pour rain. The people around me were shocked. Silence. Then everyone started to cheer.

I headed back home and ran into Izuku. "Izuku! I'm so glad you're ok! I wanted to come back for you but I couldn't move my body. Also you were so brave jumping in there to help.", we were walking next to each other. "It's ok y/n. I got to meet ALL MIGHT! And about jumping in to help, I took inspiration from you. If you hadn't  tried to save me earlier I don't think I would have tried to help. Thank You.", Izuku said to me, smiling a little. I stopped walking, " Izuku? Do you want to be my friend?", he looked at me and giggled, "Of course! I find it kind of funny that you asked though. Have you ever had a friend before?" I knew he meant that as a joke, but I responded honestly. "Actually, not in a long time. So, thank you for being my friend." We parted ways and I walked home. 

<1017 words>


If you are still reading thank you! Please let me know if you have any tips. I hope you enjoy my story. I'm mainly writing this because I really want to see it written down, but I hope it is to your liking. 

- Albion Orion

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