Why him?

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Second Person POV: 

Right as Recovery Girl and the others were about to begin again, Izuku came running through the door. He pushed through in between the women so he could see you. His arm was in a sling. He looked so worried that it looked like he was aging extremely quickly. 

"Y/n! are you okay?! Well I mean I know you aren't but, I'm sure what Aizawa said can't be right. I won't let it happen!", Izuku was bawling at this point, and if you weren't dying, you would've been holding back a laughing fit.

Recovery Girl shot a glare at the boy and spoke. "Well if you keep wasting our precious time, it probably will, so back up and sit down before I sit you down myself!"

With that, Izuku sat down in a chair and watched as the women did their work. You asked Recovery Girl if you were allowed to speak during the healing process, and she nodded her head a bit, staying focused.

"So Izuku, what room were you in?", you said slightly awkwardly, seeing as to the fact that you couldn't move your head to look at him and were currently speaking with the ceiling. "Uh, I was just down the hall in room 207." (You are in room 213) "Ah, cool cool. Do you know where Aizawa Sensei and Yamada Sensei went?", You turned your eyes to the right and slightly shifted your head, trying to see your friend, which earned you a light smack from Recovery Girl. You muttered an apology as your friend replied, "They should be back pretty soon. They were talking with ALL MIGHT when I left." 

Your eyes widened and you felt a sharp pain in them from opening them so wide. Alora looked at you concerned and asked, "Are you okay sweetheart?", in English. "I'm okay I'm just a bit surprised ALL MIGHT is here." She gave you an understanding look, and returned to her work.

"Was he just barely entering in the hospital? I didn't see him at the USJ, so he must have heard the news a bit later than everyone else." You could hear Izuku's audible confusion as he tried to understand what you had said. He was listening to your short conversation with Alora and it seemed he had zoned out trying to translate.

"Eh? Oh actually, ALL MIGHT was with me. He has been for the past hour or two. But, Y/n I'm a bit confused. All Might was at the USJ, but then again it might have been hard to see him while you were fighting."

First Person POV:

If he was at the USJ that means he saw me get  injured. He knew I was here. He knew how bad it was yet he still went to Midoriya. Why? Why? WHY? Why Midoriya? Had they become friends? I mean, you had seen them on the beach  together many a time. Still, would a father choose a friend or student over his own daughter?! Does he resent me that much? All you ever  wanted was to become a hero and make him proud.  Why do you even bother at this point? You have so much potential and you are wasting it all trying to prove that you are good enough to a man who doesn't  want to accept you. 

That ends today. I'm going to  become the most powerful hero and beat his ass. Damn I sound like Bakugou. I'm going to become the world's greatest hero and reject his praise. Yes.

                                                                           He doesn't deserve it.

"Oh my god! Y/N!"

<724 words>


   hehe :p

- Albion Orion

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