Sleep Over :D

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First Person POV:

I shot straight up. Staring at nothing, I desperately tried to remember what I had dreamed about. All I managed to remember was that it was important. "God dammit! UGHHHH" I chucked my pillow across the room and watched it hit the wall. Izuku sat up and readied himself for a fight. "That's my bad, sorry..." My friend glanced at the clock on his nightstand and back to me. "There's still like 10 minutes until we need to get up." He glared at me. "Great we have more time to get ready!" He looked at me like I was insane. I smiled and gave him two thumbs up. Izuku stood up and left the room without saying a word. 

When we got to school everyone was talking about how nervous they were for the test. Iida seemed to be back to his usual self, luckily, so there was at least some order in the classroom. The first test we had was math, then we had English, Japanese, History, and the last written exam we had was World History. My brain physically stung at the end of the day. The 15 min in-class lunch break only stressed me out more not gonna lie. 

On the way out of the building I could hear kids talking about how they think they did on the tests. It sounded like most of the kids from our class were feeling pretty good, and I was too. Those study sessions were super helpful. For World history I couldn't remember anything about the American Revolution, but then I heard Kaminari humming a song from Hamilton, and I remembered the ENTIRE thing.


Momo and Iida were trying to drill the dates and events from the American Revolution into our heads, but none of us were grasping it. Momo eventually just turned on Hamilton and let it play. Kaminari and Kirishima heard the first two notes of the first song and IMMEDIATELY stood up and started acting out the whole thing for us. I have never been more grateful for the camera app in my life.


There weren't going to be any classes for the hero course students on the next day, because they wanted to give everyone a chance to recharge their brains after the torture they just put o=us through. So naturally, our class had planned a celebratory sleepover.

Momo's parents went all out on the decorating. They set up the movie room with little baskets full of treats and other sleepover things. We all got matching pj's with cute little class 1-A crests embroidered on them, there were also cute cups that we customized. In their MASSIVE living room, they set up a tent bed for each of us and had a whole food bar set up. I've decided I love Momo's parents and I'm going to live here. 

We spent the night watching movies, and playing games. Around midnight we all decided to go to bed. I couldn't sleep. I stared at the ceiling of my little tent. Everyone was quiet. I peeked my head out to see if anyone else was awake. It didn't look like it. I went back inside and checked my phone. 1am. I laid back down and started scrolling on anything and everything. It stayed quiet. "So nobody else can sleep right?" Denki whispered loudly. The lights flicked on and the entire class sat up and started climbing out of their tents. 

"Finally! I didn't want to wake anybody up so I wasn't gonna say anything!" Mina hugged Denki until he tapped out. "So...Now what?" Everyone looked around. They're usually open 24/7 "How about we go to a gas station?" That was the best idea I've ever said out loud. Half of the class had their shoes on and were out the door before anyone could respond.

<636 words>

Author's Note:

Sorry this is so late I forgot I wanted to make two separate chapters so I was writing the next chapter on this one. I'll post the next one sometime today or tomorrow... Enjoy!!!!

-Albion Orion

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