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Second Person POV:

Y/n Yagi was pronounced dead on Wednesday, at 17:33/05:33p.m. Izuku Midoriya's sobs were sounding throughout the hospital. Mic came rushing into the room followed by Aizawa and ALL MIGHT. 

"Can't you do anything else?",  the crying boy managed to make out a sentence between sobs. Recovery girl shook her head sadly. The group sat in a sad silence until Alora shot her head up, smiling wide.

"What type blood is she?", the woman spoke with broken Japanese, likely caused by her excitement. "Type O, but why does that matter?" The old lady spoke at Alora in confusion.

"There is no time to explain right now. Step aside please." The group moved aside to let her through.

She reached her hand up towards you and tapped her finger on your limp finger. She stepped back a bit and closed her eyes. The tips of her hair began to glow pink. Your stomach wound began to slowly seal itself.

The other two women took note of this and walked towards the corpse. The three healers placed their hands on the girl's cold body and closed their eyes. The wound began to seal slightly faster.

"Healing her now won't do anything." A doctor commented. "It will make it easier to start her heart again.", the third woman spoke with a soft motherly tone.

Suddenly, your veins began to glow purple and sparks met the women's hands. They jumped back in shock, gasping a bit.

Your veins began to glow so brightly that it seemed as though your whole body was glowing the violet color.

Your wound healed within seconds, your organs sealing back together by themselves. Your small scratches disappeared leaving nothing but scars.


Your heartbeat picked up again as you gasped for air. Your young friend began to cry even more as the others just watched in amazement.


A small crash followed by a car alarm going off was heard. ALL MIGHT ran out of the room to check it out.


 Enjoy Pookies!!

- Albion Orion

What a storm leaves behind (Mha x All Might's daughter)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt