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First Person POV:

How could I be so stupid. Working with my dad would have been a million times better than this. I should've read all of the names. Endeavor never really got along with my dad. He's really weird about his hatred too. It's like he wants to be him but he hates him. A lot. 

Back when I was younger, I saw him around quite a bit. His wife was friends with mom so he and dad would sit awkardly in the living room while I did facemasks with the two women. Whenever I was sad Mrs. Todoroki had to leave, my mom used to joke saying things like, "Well I don't want to leave Enji alone with my man for too long. He might make a move.", or, "Enji's obviously in love with dad so we can't give him too many opportunities to snatch him up." 

One time, dad joked back saying he was going to leave her for "The Hothead" and I believed him. I locked myself in my room and started sobbing. He had to buy me ice cream and watch a movie with me to get me to come out and stop crying. Poor man was STRESSIN. The Todoroki's stopped coming over suddenly and I never really saw Rei again. She was really nice, I wonder what happened to her.

I took a deep breath as I stepped through the motion sensor door at the entrance of Endeavor's agency. The lobby was large with a front desk off to the left. A few sidekicks and other employees were just arriving for the day and moving around. I noticed they all had some sort of fire quirk. Even the secretaries quirks were something obviously heat related. Ummmm. Do I look like I can even start a fire on my own? 

I walked over to the front desk and told one of the secretaries my name. She took my picture and after a few minutes handed me a lanyard with my picture and name on it. Below my name there was a small barcode. "There you go sweetie. If you need anything don't be afraid to ask."

I continued further into the building, following signs leading to the elevator. The email I had received said to meet on the top floor at 8:15 and it was 8:00. I was very proud of myself for being punctual. 

I entered the elevator along with a few other employees. I searched for the button to get to the top floor, but there wasn't one. An employee seemed to notice my struggle, and asked me which floor I was headed to. I told him I was going all the way up and he looked at me like I was crazy. "You need a special access card to get to the top floor, are you sure you're headed all the way up?" 

I nodded and held out the card with my face on it. "Will this work? I'm sure I need to go to the very top." The man took my card and looked at it for a second before scanning the barcode with a small device next to the buttons. "That'll get you up there." I smiled at him and thanked him. We talked a bit as the elevator started moving. He only had to go to the third floor, so our conversation was cut very short. "I hope you have a good week, and uh, try not to make him mad. He has some, uhh, issues." With that he stepped out of the elevator.

The building was very tall, so my ride to the very top took about 15 minutes. If it hadn't stopped at every floor to let people on and off, the ride would have probably taken about 5 minutes.

'Floor 50' blinked above the doors as they slid open. I stepped out of the doors and took in my surroundings. There was a hallway leading either left or right for about 20 feet each, and ending without a turn. Right across from the elevator there were two large wooden doors. The handles were a gold color that looked as if it had become dull from being held so much over the years.

On the right of the doors, there was a medium sized black desk. A woman with bright yellow hair sat behind it in a red spinning chair.

I approached the desk and showed the woman my card. "Oh! My name is Ms. Blazinne, I'm Endeavor's secretary and assistant. We'll be seeing each other quite a bit this week so you can just call me Blaze. Go ahead and just take a seat over in one of those benches. He'll call you in in a couple of minutes pumpkin."

She pointed behind me. I followed her gaze and noticed a velvet cushioned bench against the wall on the right of the elevator. There was another one just like the first on the left. I walked over and sat down, placing my backpack on the ground.

This is going to be an interesting week.

<850 words>

I told you guys I'm a pathological liar :')
Enjoyyy and please voteeee

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