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Second Person POV:

"Come in." Two men in lab coats entered the room. 

One of the men was short and chubby, and wore a large smile. He had crows feet by his eyes and a bit of white in his full beard. The other was tall and skinny, with slicked back black hair. His face showed no emotion.

"Are you Y/n Yagi?", the shorter of the two inquired, stepping forward and setting his briefcase down on Aizawa's desk. Before you could reply, Aizawa answered. "She is, and I assume you're the specialists?"  The man who stayed at the door nodded. "How old are you? How tall are you? What do you know about your quirk so far?" The short man began throwing questions at you. "Uh, I'm fif-" "How about we go to the nurse's office, and answer those question there?"

The four of you exited the lounge, and made your way to a room on the other side of the hall and a few doors down, where Recovery Girl was.  As you entered the room you noticed it had been completely rearranged.

There were new tables, covered in test tubes and tech. The windows and the old white lights had been covered by dark plastic sheets. All light in the room had a purple shade to it. "My name is Ren Takahashi, and this is my baby brother Mikato Takahashi." The short man gestured to himself, then his brother. 

The man who had been introduced as Mikato Takahashi stepped towards you and guided you to a medical bed. He motioned for you to get into it, and you complied. Ren shut the door and greeted Recovery Girl. Aizawa and the old woman sat next to the bed you were on and waited for one of the two to speak.

Ren clapped his hands together and said, "Since we are here, there's no need to answer the questions from before." He looked to his brother and gave him a look that said 'It's your turn'. The tall man just stood there quietly. "Sorry, he's not much of a talker. Y/n, you can choose if you would like to be asleep or awake for this part of the testing. It will drain you of your energy and sting a bit, so while you sleep you can gain that energy back and you won't feel the slight sting." , Ren explained, looking at you eagerly.

"What will you be doing?", you looked up at Mikato. "He will be scanning you completely. It will show him every detail about your quirk and physical state. Normally he only scans people for injuries, but since he is scanning your quirk as well, it will take about 30 minutes." Mikato still hadn't spoken, his brother answering for him. "Ah, then I want to be asleep.", you looked to Aizawa, "Unless, you need me awake?" He shook his head and you nodded back.

Recovery Girl pushed your sleeve up and flipped your arm around, wrist facing up. She then, tied a rubber band around your bicep, causing your veins to pop out. She cleaned the skin on the inside of you elbow with a wipe before pulling out a syringe filled with a yellow liquid and injecting it into your vein. You were out within seconds.

Recovery Girl POV:

I watched as that tall man stared at the resting girl. Poor thing has been through much and it's only the first month of the school year. "So, what's your quirk, Ren?" I asked the older man. "Ah! My quirk is  Quantum Processing. It allows me to process any level of Info at higher than average speeds.", he explained, his smile never fading. "That must go quite well with your brother's quirk: Scan.", Shouta spoke. "It really does! He gives me the information and I quickly find the problem and solve it. I also learn quickly because of him."


Second Person POV:

After about 45 minutes of staring, Mikato woke you up. He turned to his brother and signed out 'It took longer than we thought. This is crazy.' "You two communicate with sign language?", your sleepy teacher said as he fiddled with his hands. "I know a little 'cause Mic used to be scared he'd lose his hearing when we were younger. He stopped yelling unless he had to. Unfortunately, we learned that his ears and hearing would not be affected because they had adapted to his quirk as a child." Ren chuckled and Mikato blew air out of his nose.

"So, what'd ya figure out?", Aizawa pushed his hair back with his hand. After a few minutes of Mikato signing and Ren nodding, the bearded man turned to you and your teachers.

"Her quirk is Copy and Save. She is able to copy someone else's quirk and save it, like a file on a computer. She only has x amount of slots though. It says on her file that her parent's quirks are Super Strength and Storm, so we don't know where she could've gotten it from. It could be one of those newer set of quirks or it could be a mutation of a grandparent's quirk." 

They ran a few more physical tests and mental tests before sending you to class. They cleaned up the room and left after printing some papers out for the teachers on your quirk. I mean, they are going to need it now that they have to teach you how to use a completely new quirk.

902 words


It's gonna get really cute and fun or whateva, and then, I'm going to crush your hearts. >:)

- Albion Orion

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