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Second Person POV:

"Well, now that we what we needed, I'll get going. My boss here, wanted to have some... FUN.", the man began walking away, dragging you along with him. Right as you were about to walk through the darkness the second man spoke. "Wait, Akari. I want the girl to watch me destroy two of Japan's best heroes." The man called Akari shrugged. Akari's veins turned black, as black vines began growing through his skin. He let them grow a bit before ripping them from his skin and tying you up. Then he disappeared into the darkness.

The villain who had stayed stepped forward into view. "All For One.", All Might stated, disgust dripping with each syllable. "Poor Akari told me how you didn't remember him, I was worried you had forgotten me too, All Might." "Why you!" All Might charged at All For One, giving your mother the chance to make her way over to you.

She cut the vines with a blade of water, setting you free. The two of you hugged. While your mother helped you out of your bindings, your father was battling with his greatest enemy. All Might swung his right arm towards All For One's face, which AFO dodged only for AM's left fist to hit him right in the gut. AFO got flung through the wall behind him, flying out of view. "He's gotten weaker he should be down for a bit.", Hashina told Toshinori, waving him over. He stayed still for a few seconds, staring at the hole in the wall.

He walked towards you and your mother embracing you both. The three of you stood up, your dad holding you in his arms and your mother next to him. They began walking towards the exit of the building, as your mother dialed villain pick up. BEEP BEEP BEEP BEE- "AHHH!"

Your mother was being pulled by some red and black sludge. All For One was back. He floated 20 feet above the ground, surrounded by ropes of the same substance. He pulled her towards him and dropped her to the ground. She hit the concrete with a hard THWACK, and grunted in pain. Rain clouds began to form in the room, as Stormy tried to use her quirk.

All Might set you down and ran towards the villain once more. AFO fired more sludge ropes towards the hero, capturing him. Toshinori struggled and tried to break the bindings, to no avail. "HASHINAAA!", he called out to his wife.

You, not knowing what to do ran towards your mother, hugging her. Her thumb brushed over your cheek, and you felt an electricity course through your veins. She noticed it too, and smiled as she whispered something to you. "Go back to the door and cover your eyes and ears, quick." You did as you were told running back to the door. You sat down and brought your knees to your chest, shutting your eyes and covering your ears.


The rain clouds fizzed with electricity. "HASHINA NO!", I yelled to my wife. "MY QUIRK IS GONE, SO I CAN'T CONTROL IT. USE THIS OPPURTUNITY! I'M SORRY TOSHINORI. I LOVE YOU! SHOW Y/N THE LOVE I'LL NEVER GET TO!", she yelled back to me as the clouds turned purple. I ripped my bindings, but it was too late. The clouds faded as the lighting building up inside them exploded. Hashina lay lifeless on the ground, but All For One was nearly knocked to his knees. I charged him, ready to kill, but he just, disappeared.

Third person POV:

"NOOOOOOOOO!", the blonde screamed out, hitting the ground where AFO once was. He picked up his wife's corpse, and walked towards the door. "Da-" "Get in the car Y/n.", Toshinori, interrupted his daughter continuing out the door. Someone had heard the commotion, and called the police. He walked towards them and passed Hashina's body over to the paramedics. After answering some questions the cops had for him, he said his final goodbyes, and got in the car.

Second Person POV:

The car ride back was filled with the sound of your questions and sobs, with an occasional sniffle from your father. You arrived home and he just got out of the car, leaving you alone, with many unanswered questions. Eventually, you exited the vehicle and entered your home.

TIME SKIP a week

Knock Knock

You walked over to the door and opened it. In front of you stood Haru, Kurayami's son. He looked sad. "Hey sunshine, why do you look so sad?" "Hey y/n. Me and my mom are moving back to the states. We don't know why, but my dad just disappeared, and we can't stay here without him. She said we can stay in contact though. We're leaving now, I'll miss you so much!!!" He hugged you and ran off crying to his mom. "I'll miss you too Haru!!!", you yelled back at your friend. You felt guilty knowing the real reason his father disappeared.


"GOODBYE HARU! I'm sorry..."

828 Words


Yay! Backstory done!!! Time for the rest of the book. I'm so sorry for what's yet to come.

- Albion Orion

What a storm leaves behind (Mha x All Might's daughter)Where stories live. Discover now