Death keeps you busy

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First Person POV:

I opened my eyes slowly. I looked around me and saw nothing but white. As I looked forwards again, I saw a figure walking towards me. I got into a fighting stance and saw that my wound was healed. "Starlight, stand down. I'm not going to fight you.", the figure spoke, chuckling a bit.

That voice...and that name! "Mom? I thought you died!", I exclaimed, staying in my fighting position. I can't be sure that I can trust whoever this person is. "I did starlight, and you did too.", the figure drew nearer, revealing nothing but the silhouette of a woman. "How do I know you're my mom? What's my male parental figure's name?" I stood my ground and glared slightly at the woman.

She laughed a bit at this and said, "So that's what you're calling him now? Daddy, Dad, Father, and now male parental figure. He must have really pissed you off." "Don't ignore the question!", I tried not to yell. The room was echo-ey enough that there was no need. "Toshinori Yagi, otherwise known as the world's Symbol of Peace; ALL MIGHT."

I ran towards the figure and hugged her. She still smelled the same. "Mom! So, I did die. Aizawa has gotta be pissed." She chuckled yet again. "So how did you know I stopped calling him dad?", I looked up at the dark figure, whose face was slowly becoming visible. "I've checked in on you two, and I noticed you've slowly grown apart. What happened between you two?" "Well the day you died he made sure to get me home safely, but after that he ignored me and brought all my hopes down. I'm pretty sure he blames me for your death and resents me for it. I've heard him talk in his sleep before saying 'No you can take the child, but leave my wife.' " 

"The last thing I said to him was to take care of you and to give you the love I wouldn't get to give you! What the hell is he doing?! *sigh* Well I hope he gets over this quickly or I'm gonna have to come and beat his ass." We both laughed at this and started to walk.

Second person POV:

"I see you've grown to become a lovely young lady. What have you been up to recently? You just started high school if I'm correct." She looked down at you, waiting for an answer. " I thought you were able to check up on us?." She laughed once again, "I haven't had the chance recently, there's a lot more to do when you are dead than you would think."

"I see, well I recently got into UA's Hero Course!", you beamed with pride. "Really?! How did your father react?" It went quiet for a bit until she glanced down at you, "Starlight?" You snapped back into reality and responded, "He doesn't exactly know..." You trailed off, "Well, he'll find out soon enough if I'm dead."

"Oh, starlight, as much as I wish you could stay, you have to go back and learn the truth. Your part is not yet finished. I will be watching you from here. I love you" "Wha-"Just then you felt someone's finger touch yours. Then, you felt three sets of hands on you. You closed your eyes and a picture popped up. It was a file. It read: Copy and save. In the file there were a few different lines of text. 

The first read: Zoom

The second: Storm

The third: [Corrupted]

And the fourth was being typed out, it read: Healing x3

As the fourth line finished being typed, you felt energy course through your veins. You opened your eyes but your vision was blank. You could still hear the woman saying one last thing." Goodbye Y/n, my starlight, I love you." "I LOVE YOU TOO!" You yelled, hoping that she had heard it.

You felt pressure on your whole body, until you felt that you were back in the hospital bed. You took a deep breath in, and you felt as if you had been holding your breath for years. You opened your eyes for what felt like the 10th time and checked your surroundings. All you could hear was the sound of your heartbeat on the monitor and Izuku's crying.

Everyone was there. Everyone but him. Well, at least this meant he didn't know you were here. He probably left earlier when Izuku ran off. Just gotta keep up the act and get the teachers in on it. 

"God Izuku! Stop crying! I'm alive now!", the boy ran up to the bed and hugged you tight. After about half an hour you stood up and hugged and thanked the nurses. You walked over to the sink and washed your hands. When you looked in the mirror, you noticed 2 scars, one across  your left eye and a small one on the right of your lip. "Sick", you muttered under your breath. You lifted up your shirt to reveal a large scar, that almost looked like it was caused by electricity, across your stomach.

You and Izuku left the hospital at about 18:45/06:45p.m. after signing some papers. The doctors wanted you to meet them in Recovery Girl's room during school the next day and they told you they would come get you from class. As you guys were leaving, Class 1A and Aizawa stopped you.


Is it bad that I love ALL MIGHT BUT I also love ALL MIGHT slander? Anyways have a good day! :D

- Albion Orion

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