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A/N: Hey so you might want to re read chapter one because I added some stuff to make the story make more sense. I also gave the reader a nickname. Enjoy:D

10 YEARS AGO (still)

First Person POV:

I watched the blur of the trees as we sped down the mostly empty road. "Daddy? Are we going to pick up mama?", I questioned my father sitting in the seat in front of me. "Yeah starlight, we are." He sounded sad when he answered me. I leaned my head against the cold window, watching the raindrops race to the bottom. We sat in silence for another 10 minutes, which felt like a lifetime.

We pulled up to an empty parking lot in front of a ginormous warehouse. My dad got out and opened my door. "I'm coming with?", I looked up at him. He smiled at me, but it wasn't a happy smile, it looked... sad. "Yes, starlight, you are." A drop of rain fell down his cheek.

I climbed out of the car and grabbed his hand. He lead me towards the warehouse entrance. When we made it to the large, metal building he lifted up a sliding wall/door. We continued forwards into the dimly lit building. It was completely empty.

"I thought you said we were picking up mama, daddy, but I don't see her.", I looked up at my father once again, waiting for him to answer. He pulled out his phone and dialed something. Putting the phone to his ear, listening to it ring. Ring Ring Ring Ri- Click.


"Where are you.", I spoke into the phone. "All might, I assume that means you've arrived?", this time a new voice answered the phone. "Ye-" Click.

Second Person POV:

The air grew thick and the room went pitch black as 2 figures appeared. One, was that of a man. The man was holding the second figure, who was tied up and gagged. "Hashina!", All Might began running to his wife. "Ah! Stop right there, or I'll cut her pretty little throat.", the man held up a blade to her throat. All Might was now at a distance close enough to recognize the man.

"Kurayami?!" All Might cursed himself for not trusting his gut. "Haha, I always thought you knew about me. The way you glared when I saw you really had me worried you knew of my, sorry, HIS plan.", Kurayami chuckled to himself. "You must be the reason that man knew of my daughter.", All Might accused. "Guilty~", your neighbor laughed once again.

Kurayami stepped forward throwing Hashina to the floor. "Now, you've brought the girl, so let's just get this exchange over with so we can all go home.", he thought about his words for a second before laughing uncontrollably. "WELL ALL EXCEPT YOU LITTLE ONE! HAHAHA...haha oh, I crack myself up."

"Don't think I didn't notice you.", the darkness villain turned his head, and caught the arm Pro Hero Stormy was flinging in his direction. Hashina had escaped her bonds! All Might took this opportunity to attack. "SMASH!", he yelled, hurling Kurayami into a wall. "He'll be out for a bit. Get Y/n to the car.", the blonde hugged his wife. She pushed him away.

"YOU WERE GOING TO TRADE OUR DAUGHTER FOR MY FREEDOM?! JESUS TOSHINORI, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!", Hashina screamed at her husband, smacking his arm. "I- I wasn't thinking Shina, I was just worried about you!", he tried explaining himself. "Well, you should have. Imagine what would have happened had you really given her to them. Speaking of, where is Y/n?"

CLAP CLAP CLAP "I'm impressed you two were too invested in your couples quarrel about your daughter, to notice your daughter getting taken.", the same man from the first call stood with you next to him and Kurayami thrown over his shoulder. A slightly taller man stood behind him, but from as far as the two heroes stood he was unrecognizable.

"Did you really think we wouldn't have a plan beyond this idiot Kurayami?", the man in front shook the unconscious body resting on his shoulder. "Well, now that we what we needed, I'll get going. My boss here, wanted to have some... FUN."

(661 words)


Hey you guys!!!  After I finish this book I will be working on a new project I started called The Stars Will. You should totally read that next. Please leave me any requests for stories you would like to see written out and not just in your head, and I will try to make that happen. I LOVE you guys.

- Albion Orion

What a storm leaves behind (Mha x All Might's daughter)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin