I'm sorry...

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First Person POV:

I stood there confused as to how I managed to punch Izuku so far. "Wow! Y/n-chan you're really strong! Do you have two quirks?", Izuku had stood up, holding his stomach where I had punched him. "I don't think so.", I said this as if I were asking a question. We stood there in silence until All Might told us to head back. That was when I realized. "My mask!", I said, checking if I still had it on. I hoped that My Dad had been too distracted to have seen my face.

We all went back to the viewing room. All Might told everyone what they did wrong and what they could improve on. Before I knew it school was over. I saw All Might talking to Izuku so I just went home alone. I ran as fast as I could so I could change my uniform before dad got home. I opened the door and put my shoes next to the lonely shoe from when I fought the sludge villain.

I went up the stairs to my bedroom, changed, and took a shower. I dried my hair and went downstairs to make some food. I pulled out a 5 minute cup-a-noodle and put it in the microwave. After 5 minutes the microwave beeped. I grabbed the noodles and headed up to my room. My phone was on my bed. It started to buzz. 

I picked it up and looked down at the screen. It was a video call from two unknown numbers. I answered but aimed my camera at the ceiling, incase I didn't know them. "Y/N! Let us see your face!!!", it was mina! "Sorry, I was just being cautious. I don't have you guys saved in my phone." "That's fine y/n. Make sure to save us. Could you add Jirou? We don't have her number, we thought you might.", Tsuyu was the other unknown number. I saved them in my phone and added Jirou to the call.

We called until midnight. We talked about the day and how cool they thought it was to have ALL MIGHT as a teacher. "I think Present Mic and Midnight are really cool.", I said trying to dodge the questions of what I thought about ALL MIGHT. "Oh my Gosh! It's really late, I gotta go! I'll see you guys tomorrow!" "Bye y/n!", my new friends replied. I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to my alarm. Today they told us to come to school in our hero costumes. I ran downstairs to check if dad was home and saw him asleep on the couch. I changed quickly and ran out the door. I met up with Izuku and we walked to school. When we got there we all went to meet up in the classroom. Aizawa said, "We have about an hour before the bus gets here. In that time you need to choose a class rep." Almost everyone started yelling saying they wanted to be class representative. "Let's vote!", Iida was standing up at the front. We all wrote down who we voted for on a slip of paper. Iida gathered them all up and counted the votes.

"Our class rep will be Y/n Suzuki, with Momo Yaoyorozu as her vice rep." All eyes darted to me. I didn't even want to be rep! How did this happen?! I turned to see Mina smiling evilly at me. I looked at her as if to say, you didn't!. Mina, Jirou, and Tsu all burst out laughing. I jokingly glared at them. 

Suddenly, the villain alarm went off. Everybody started to panic. We rushed out into the halls to see what was happening. I got shoved into a wall and fell to the ground. After what felt like forever, I was picked up by Tsu. She told me to look at the exit sign.

Iida was standing on it, yelling something about the press? I glanced out the window to see a group of reporters. The gate looked like it had been decayed. Did they do this? I thought to myself.

Back in class I went to the front of the room and said, "The first and last action I will be doing as class rep is appointing Iida to class rep. You all saw how good he is at handling stressful situations. I wouldn't be able to do that." We all agreed that Iida would take my place.

About 10 minutes later, Aizawa took us out to the front, where a bus was waiting. We all climbed on. I sat next to Izuku in the back.

"What were you and ALL MIGHT talking about yesterday?", I asked. He looked really nervous so I answered my own question. "Probably just fanboying, huh?", he nodded. Mina and my other friends were at the front. I wanted to sit by them but we had to sit according to the seating arrangement. I put in my headphones and tried not to slap the perv Mineta next to me. 

As we pulled up to the USJ I started to get nervous. I still had no idea how to use my 'new' quirk. Hopefully today would help me explore it more. We walked into the large dome. I couldn't believe my eyes. In front of me was the space hero: Thirteen, and behind her were any rescue situations you could possibly imagine. So we're doing rescue work? I asked myself. 

Thirteen asked Aizawa where ALL MIGHT was. He held up three fingers. I knew what this meant. He had spent all of his hero form time doing hero work. I was relieved knowing that he wouldn't be coming anymore. He hadn't said anything about my mask falling off the night before, so I figured he hadn't noticed.

As Thirteen was explaining what we were going to be doing, a purpley/ blackish smoke appeared. Hundreds of villains started to walk out of the smoke. They all looked like street thugs, all but three of them. The smoke was the quirk of one of the three. It must be a warp quirk. The largest of the three had black skin, a bird beak, and it's brain was exposed at the top of it's...his head. 

We all ran towards the door just to be stopped by the warp villain. "My job is to split you up." The smoke started to surround us. 

I felt someone's arm grab onto mine. It was Izuku. "Hold onto me Y/n!", he called out to me, but before I could react I had been warped away. 

I braced myself for the worst as I felt myself fall through the air for a few seconds just to hit the hard ground. I looked to see if there was anybody else around. I didn't see any villains or any of my classmates.

I studied my surroundings and came to the conclusion that I was in the fire zone. I had done my research on the USJ before we came, (because, who wouldn't?!)so I knew the general direction I needed to head to make it back to the rest of the group.

I managed to make it deep into the burning city without running into any thugs or getting any injuries. I heard someone shout and the sound of someone being beat. Did I really think I would be able to get out of here without a fight?

1277 words



- Albion Orion

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