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First Person POV:

I woke up, my eyelids kind of stuck together from crying the night before. I went downstairs hoping that my dad hadn't heard me. As I passed the front door I noticed an envelope on the ground. I picked it up and read the name it was addressed to. It read Y/N SUZUKI. I had expected it to be for my dad, but I was excited. I don't normally get mail.

I opened it and pulled out a thin piece of paper. I looked down and skimmed through the words. It was from the school. To sum it all up it said thank you for entering the exam, and that I would be getting my results in a few days time.

I already knew I had failed, because I hadn't gotten any points. I crumpled up the paper and threw it in the trash. My dad walked in. He looked at me as if he knew something. "What's that?", he asked, pointing at the crumpled letter. "It's just spam.", I said with little to no expression on my face.

As the next few days passed, I got even more stressed waiting for my letter. I knew I shouldn't be stressed because I already knew the result. Still, my heart raced this morning, when I heard something hit the floor.

I walked over to the front door and knelt down to grab the envelope. I walked up to my room and opened the letter. There was a piece of paper in it. I pulled it out and read the letter. It said to set the disc on my table. A disc? I looked back into the envelope and saw a small black circular chip. I pulled it out and set it on my table, like the letter said to do. I waited for a few seconds, before a hologram of my DAD popped up?!?! "Congratulations on getting into UA!", his booming voice began, "The UA staff and I are all proud of you, and can't wait to help you on your path to becoming a pro hero!" I started to tear up. I had never heard my dad say that he was proud of me before. I was about to put the disc back into the envelope, when I heard his voice start up again. "I know you wanted to send the same video to all of the kids, but could we do one special one. There is a specific student I want to say something to.", my tears disappeared just as fast as they had come. I realized my dad didnt even know I got into UA, and he had never said he was proud of me, it was all just a script.

I decided that he didn't need to know I got in, and that I would keep it hidden from him. 

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I know this one is short but I had to go grocery shopping so I didnt have much time.

- Albion Orion

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