Author Note

2.7K 71 5

Dear readers,
Writing stories isn't just a hobby for me anymore; instead, it has become a rather important part of my life, shielding me from the cruelties of this world. It is more than just words on a blank page; it's someone's entire life. If someone like me can write and publish an imperfect book, so can you.

These past few days, many readers have been engaging, adding my book to their reading list, which has made me so joyful. Even if it's not my best work, knowing that someone is enjoying it and giving their time to it brings me immense gratitude.

Forever Jahan has reached 37k views in about four years, and it truly fills me with joy. Although I am not a writer who uses any platform to promote (I have my reasons for that), it's an honor, and I can only thank the Lord of this Universe, Allah.

As a writer, I have grown and improved a lot, so this book is not perfect, and neither are the characters. Islam is perfect, but not Muslims. Don't hesitate to interact or ask questions; I will be happy to answer you.

Happy reading!

-haru <3(April 2024)

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