Chapter 11: Healers

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If life couldn't get any crazier.

She sat on the edge of her bed with legs crossed and Raaya cooed up in the safety of her lap whilst rocking up and down. 

It was like someone dumped a cold bucket of water knocking her breath out. Never in her wild dreams did she expect that she would get a proposal to marry Shehraz.

The man who lost his life a week ago.

With her elbow on her thigh and chin resting on her palm the scene of her rejecting it was playing over and over again with the same end.

The sadness and hurt flashed crossing Sakeena's who she called Mom with sincerity pricked her heart and sent chills to her body. It feels wrong at all levels yet she still thought that what if she agreed to it. She would become her official mother. The idea of staying away from her baby was nerve-wracking and she couldn't bear it. 

The Freedom she reaps here can nowhere be found here selfishness was talking to her convincing her at all ends not to let this go. For once she wanted to be selfish. Surprisingly her heart was siding with her selflessness not helping this situation at all making her sigh loudly. 

"God, what is happening? What kind of trail is this?" She whispered particularly to one but only to Allah who is all hearing. 

And this decision now was just the start of a better life.

Jahanara knew that she would give in anything for this freedom for motherly love. For Raaya anything at this point. For her peace. 

If that meant marrying Shehraz Ahamd, so be it. 

The question that troubled her was whether he was going to agree. Chances are that no he may not and Jahanara mentally prepared herself for this but did not know what will happen next. 

"You know you're thinking too much Jahan," The voice reached to her. She snapped her eyes to him sitting casually on the couch with legs on each other and elbow resting on the armrest, the leather adorning his skinny arms that were covered with a dusty light brown coat. 

Jahanara breathe hitched and screwed her eyes shut praying for this torture to end but it was her mistake to think she would instantly get what she wants. 

"Omar," The feel of his name never left her breathless the way it did now. He sat there with his lips forming in a heart-lifting smile poping his dimples. He never aged black hair slicked back a watch on his wrist and black leather shoes with open lacing in front Canvas lining and insoles. 

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