darts and reveals

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October 31, 1976
10:57 pm
Hogwarts Grounds

Anneliese, Dorcas, Lily, and Marlene were bundled up tightly as they made their way down to the path leading to the wizarding village this time.

It was a miracle A hadn't gotten frostbite last time, and now she had on an oversized black jacket with a lace top underneath Queenie, one of her friend's aunts at Ilvermorny had given her along with her signature purple converse.

Their footsteps crunched on the crisp, rust colored pine needles below them as they talked and giggled, the cool night air filling their lungs.

And were joined by four more.

"This time, we're coming with you," James declared, not leaving any room for questioning in his tone as he saw the four girls in his year starting down the path to Hogsmeade. "It's Halloween, and we're probably going to run into you guys anyway if we both go."

Lily turned to him with a roll of her light green eyes as she pulled her hair up into a ponytail and then looked to Marlene, Dorcas, and Anneliese for their thoughts.

"They're not goin to do any harm," Callaway shrugged as she wrapped the jacket tighter around her. "Protection, right?"

That last comment was directed at Sirius, who grinned back at her.

Exchanging a glance with Lily in the wandlight, Remus had to hold in a comment that there was definitely less hostility between the two then there had been at the beginning of the year.

The lanterns that had once been simple, glowing spheres around Hogsmeade were now miniature jack o' lanterns with intricately carved faces that seemed to come to life with the flames flickering inside of them. Cobwebs had been strung between buildings in a classy way, making them feel like they were in an elegant spider's nest full of laughing people.

"Three Broomsticks?" James suggested, holding open the door for all of his friends, and Lily.

Who he winked at and she flipped him off.

"This place and the Leaky Cauldron are so similar," Anneliese observed as Marlene threw her coat down at a large table in the center of the room, the only one left in the crowded pub. "It has like, two differences."

"Yea, except the Leaky Cauldron probably isn't this hot," Sirius said, fanning himself as he threw down his jacket next to Marlene's, revealing a short sleeved top that showed his lean forearms. "Isn't there like a maximum capacity or something?"

Anneliese glanced around the room to see at least two hundred other guests and shook her head. The whole place was incredibly stuffy with the combination of the roaring fire and the crowds of people, making her take off her jacket as well.

Sirius's eyes caught on the light blue lace for a few seconds too long before Remus forcefully elbowed him in the side.

"I wish wizards had darts," Anneliese sighed. "It's just a whole lotta Exploding Snap."

"We could go ask the barman," Lily said, tilting her head over to the wooden stools. "It's worth a shot."

"Be right back," Callaway called back to them, and they nodded.

"You have got to stop staring at her, mate," James declared, not caring that Marlene and Dorcas were right there. "It's very obvious."

"It is," the two girls and Peter said in unison, making them all turn to Sirius with amused glances.

"Clearly not obvious enough for her to notice," Black pointed out as his gaze flicked over to where the barman was pulling something out from behind the wooden counter.

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