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get ready for some intense character analysis of sirius black hoes

December 25, 1977
10:14 pm
Potter Manor

"IT WAS A JOKE!" James shrieked, sprinting away from Mia, who was chasing him all around the kitchen and living room with an oven mitt. "I DIDN'T MEAN IT! SIRIUS TALKS ABOUT SEX LIKE IT'S THE BLOODY WEATHER ALL THE TIME-"


They both turned to Sirius, who didn't reply like he usually would.

Black was too busy fidgeting with Anneliese's bracelet to draw his eyes off anything else, to take his mind off anything else. The knot had worn slightly from where his fingers had rubbed against it over and over, the colors not as vibrant.

He wondered if she knew it was missing. He wondered if it had fallen off her wrist in the first place, or if it had been taken for some reason. He wondered yet again why Peter hadn't said something right away.

James and him had originally been furious with Pettigrew, but that anger changed to defeat when they realized they simply couldn't come up with any logical reason that Peter would hide it from them with malicious intent.

Sirius had taken to opening the top left drawer of his dresser every night.

Inside were things that reminded him of A, every single thing she had ever given him. There was the record containing American Pie, letters she had written him, the thick paper bag that read Kowalski Quality Baked Goods that still smelled like those peach pastries.

Euphemia had given up on asking Sirius not to play the same song every night before he went to bed, understanding that those eight minutes were his lifeline.

Mia and James exchanged a glance as they watched Black's stare at the bracelet start to blur and felt their own amusement fade.

"It's Christmas, mate," Potter sighed in resignation that Sirius wasn't going to join in on the rowdiness, sitting heavily down onto the couch next to him. "I know it's not how either of us imagined it going, but we can't change it now."

"Yea, well that's easy for you to say," Black grumbled, cheeks heated from the crackling fire in front of him. "It's not like Lily just vanished off the face of the earth and you have no idea where she is and if she's safe, is it?"

"Sirius, we've talked about this," Fleamont said, sitting down in front of the fire as well. "I'm sure that if she was in trouble, we would know. Mia is very deep into the auror department of the Ministry, she would have gotten word if Anneliese was involved in something."

Euphemia cleared away some of the scattered, patterned wrapping paper thrown on the rug in messily torn, colorful pieces from when they opened presents earlier that night with her foot as she joined them.

"That's true, love," she nodded reassuringly. "There's only one mission going on tonight, and there's no way it's Anneliese who was chosen for it. She's not even a member of the Order, if I recall correctly."

"You do," James confirmed, taking a large bite from a brownie with green, white, and red chocolate chips for the holidays. "What is it? If you're allowed to say."

"Getting information for plans to attack the Ministry," Euphemia said, and Sirius's eyebrows shot up. "That's all even I was told. The whole thing is very classified, very secretive. Dumbledore himself put it under dozens of layers of wrappings."

James saw Sirius stiffen at the mention of the headmaster's name, and quickly started to change the subject before Black's temper started to wind up.

"Besides, A wouldn't come here unless she was really desperate," James said, and Mia nodded in genuine support. "There's Hogwarts with Leo, St. Mungo's or something, I dunno. I just really doubt that it would be here."

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