espionage and blue lace bras

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i was listening to trouble by valerie broussard on loop - just a reccomdation

April 10, 1977
9:21 am
Gryffindor Girl's Dorms

After Anneliese went to Madam Pomfrey and got her hand mostly healed and bandaged, she went straight up to her dorm with a direct path from the portrait hole.

If James, Remus, or Sirius were sitting on one of the couches, she wouldn't have noticed from keeping her chin high and gaze so forward.

By the time that Lily, Dorcas, Marlene, and Alice made it up to go to sleep as well, their friend was passed out asleep on her bed with one arm dangling off the edge and blonde hair cascading down her back.

All five of the girls had made it to bed very late, which was probably why they were all still fast asleep when their first class of the day started in exactly nine minutes.

Being right by the window, Anneliese was the first out of all of them to wake up. A ray of feeble sunlight slowly crept onto her freckles, the sun taking difficulty even with that small action because of how thick the grey clouds were that day.

Slowly, her dark blue eyes fluttered open once the heat gathered on her eyelids started to prick too much.

At first, they roamed around all the beds she could see, which told Callaway that Lily was surprisingly still dead asleep, and Dorcas was snoring very loudly in turn.

Anneliese rubbed her eyes once, trying to get some of the rawness out of them from the previous night. Her eyes didn't agree with that motion, however, and they blurred black like a smear of ink on parchment.

She ran two fingers along the band of her underwear out of habit as her eyes readjusted, making sure everything was in place. Anneliese didn't even realize that she was doing it, it was just a habit she was told to do from such a young age that she didn't notice anymore.

The events of the past night were so overwhelming that she didn't even know where to start with her thought process. All that she knew was that she needed a break, so very badly.

But are breaks selfish? Anneliese asked herself with a deep sigh. I don't want to-


Alice let out a small yelp as she woke up very suddenly from her sleep, sitting up incredibly fast and banging her head violently against the bedframe in the process.

At the exact same time, Dorcas literally fell off the edge of her bed onto the floor with a loud thump, and somehow didn't wake up at all and stayed asleep on the stone and carpet as if nothing had happened.

Lily swung her legs out of bed at a remarkable speed, immediately going into her worried mother mode at Marlene's panicked shout.

"What, what happened?" Lily asked, quickly rushing over to Mckinnon, who had tears pouring from her eyes with dramatic sobs. "Why are you crying?"

Anneliese rolled over as well as she ran her fingers along the edges of her bra in turn, and then let them go as she felt that nothing was off or askew.

"I just got fucking poisoned," Marlene declared, wiping at her watering eyes. "I thought you said that there was just water in this damn thing, A-"

Callway's gaze moved to where her friend's hand was gripped around the flask on her bedside table and let out an involuntary snort of amusement.

The brown leather had a layer of dust on it that was reflecting against the lamplight illuminating the back half of the room, only marred with clean, shining patches by Marlene's fingerprints where she had picked up the flask.

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