bets and curses

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December 18, 1976
5:45 pm
Gryffindor Common Room

The Anneliese Black Bet
the details - anneliese callaway will be dating sirius black by the end of their seventh year

the rules - tampering is highly encouraged to get them together, but not apart

the contenders -
they will be together by the end of their seventh year

james potter - 100 galleons
peter pettigrew - 5 galleons
minerva mcgonagall - 3 galleons
horace slughorn - 80 galleons
pomona sprout - 5 galleons
filius flitwick - 19 galleons
albus dumbledore - 100 galleons

frank longbottom - 20 sickles
marlene mckinnon - 7 galleons
poppy pomfrey - 3 galleons
kat goyle - 9 sickles
ludo bagman - 30 galleons
amos diggory - 12 galleons
gideon prewett - 60 galleons
milton cresswell - 5 galleons
gilderoy lockhart - 75 galleons
mary macdonald - 9 galleons
sebastian fink - 34 galleons

they will not be together by the end of their seventh year

remus lupin - 18 sickles
lily evans - 2 galleons
silvanus kettleburn - 8 galleons
alice fortescue - 4 galleons
dorcas meadowes - 3 knuts
rolanda hooch - 4 galleons
lucius malfoy - 10 galleons
regulus black - 15 galleons
izzie fletchy - 2 sickles
narcissa black - 13 galleons
bartemius crouch jr. - 8 sickles
severus snape - 1 knut

money will be exchanged at graduation - best of luck to all those who participate!

Anneliese's hands were practically shaking as she read the list over and over, in total shock of how this had managed to stay hidden from her for so long. If there were this many names, then it must have been an active effort for her to not see it.

Which meant that everything had been fake.

She assumed that this had started on rather early in the year, when James had started to put her and Sirius together mentally. That was probably why Sirius came up to her so much, like helping her on the way to the Owlery and making sly jokes to her so often.

He hadn't ever had any real interest in her.

That also must have been the reason for him getting so mad at Fabian on his birthday when he had been so close to her at the party, all because Prewett was threatening his chances of winning the bet and stopping the fun game he was playing with her emotions.

All of the times he wanted to make up after their fights was just for those galleons, not because he actually cared about their relationship and wanted to keep it going.

That tension between them must have also been expertly crafted by the Hogwarts heart breaker, Anneliese should have guessed that he had quite a bit of experience doing so and that she was in no way something special to him.

At Slughorn's party, when she had heard the Ravenclaw, Callaway had dismissed his statement as just gossiping and obscure.

The only reason she's even talking to her is because he's angry because she's the only girl that he can't get into the pants of.

Now she realized that they were right.

And she hated herself for being so stupid and allowing herself to trust him.

To fall for him, just like she was supposed to.

How could she have been so naive to think that a player like him with dozens of dates at his disposal would actually take interest in some pathetic orphan with a tough act?

ink - sirius blackWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu