released grudges and white knuckles

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July 17, 1977
11:03 pm
Leaky Cauldron

Anneliese gripped Sirius's button down shirt softly between her fingers, pulling him ever so slightly closer to her as she tilted her chin up to press her lips against his while the bustle of the tavern faded into the background around them.

He returned the slow, caring pace with his hands gently on her hips and a smile that she could feel against her lips.

The term "one last goodnight kiss" was becoming a bit loose on them.

The intensity of the night that Callaway made Black make that awful promise to her hadn't faded, but the reminder that it was completely hypothetical and hadn't already happened had strengthened with time.

There really was no certainty that things would ever come down to what Anneliese had said might happen, it was just a highly cautious speculation based on some fairly loose evidence.

Granted, it had only been eight days since then, but Sirius and Anneliese had never been ones to move at the proper pace with their problems and burdens; it was always either too fast or too slow.

As for the rest of their friends, they had somewhat sensed that things were getting back to normal with potentially the most complicated and problematic couple to ever pass through Hogwarts at last.

Which probably came from both Anneliese and Sirius talking to Leo separately, but Anderson would never admit to being such a gossip to Marlene, whom he now shared almost everything with.

Mckinnon had then made plans like the social butterfly, or tiger, depending on who you aksed, she was, and so the six of them had just finished off the night with dinner on what she deemed a 'very gay triple date.'

Well, a few more questionable things involving a bit more breaking and entering had gone down that night, but all of them would deny that the chaos in Hogsmeade had anything to do with the six if you were to ask.

Leo, Remus, Marlene, and Dorcas all exchanged an amused glance as Sirius and Anneliese pulled apart from one another after a few more seconds, happy for their friends but also finding it amusing how soft they got around one another.

The two badass, toughened, and mildly traumatized Gryffindor pranksters who didn't take shit from anyone, kissing their lover goodnight in the glowing amber light of the tavern on a warm summer evening.

Well, they took each other's shit, but that was about it.

"I just paid in case you were too busy kissing to see," Leo said with a roll of his eyes as he pushed in Remus's chair for him. "I think your two's idea of a good night kiss is different from others."

"Says the person who refused to unlock the door as I heard a window open and someone climb out yesterday morning," Anneliese countered with one of her hands still resting on Sirius's side, and Remus turned bright red with guilt. "Ya, that's what I thought."

Fights between Leo and Anneliese usually went like this. They would give each other a day or so to cool off, have something they would want to tell the other, and then proceed to be completely incapable of resisting the temptation of going to them.

It was a habit that lacked much pride and grudges, which was probably only because it was how it had been since they were eleven.

"Rule eleven?" Anneliese asked, jogging up to Marlene and Dorcas as Leo and Sirius talked. "As long as it's not Gringotts drunk again."

A few days ago, the first new rule had been added to their contract after Lily and Alice were minutes away from getting caught in a Death Eater attack, their luck barely saving them from making the eight deaths turn into ten with their lives added on that afternoon.

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