home invasion and tied strings

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June 25, 1977
3:18 pm
Leaky Cauldron

Anneliese and Leo were standing shoulder to shoulder, staring in the mirror in front of them with completely serious expressions, neither looking at themselves and only the other.

They had been in this state for a solid ten minutes, neither of them speaking and just trying to get a good grasp on each other when everything had been so sporadic for the past week or so with all of the trips to St. Mungo's and maintenance done to Leo's injuries.

"Do you think that Remus is going to care about my scar?" Anderson asked in a tiny voice. "On my cheek. They didn't get to that cut in time, and I think it was too deep for them to completely erase it."

"Oh, Leo, that doesn't matter," Anneliese assured him, tightly gripping his hand. "Scars just show that you're strong, stronger than most people. Besides, it looks pretty badass. Peter Parker would be impressed."

Leo sighed deeply, lightly tracing his fingertips over the thin pinkish line going from the end of his ear to the corner of his mouth. The skin felt odd and different from the way it was risen and rough compared to the smoothness of the rest of his face, and he hated it.

The smile faded from Anneliese's face as she realized she wasn't going to be able to comfort him at the moment.

Leo wasn't in the mood to feel sorry for himself right now, he was in the mood to beat the shit out of whoever had done this to him and why it had happened in the first place.

"Did you ever get to see who the Death Eater was?" Leo asked, looking at Anneliese's eyes through the mirror. "Age, appearance, all that?"

"They were our age, nothing that odd about them besides kinda pale eyes," Callaway replied. "Or maybe just a few years older than us, actually. But they just called me a mudblood and were done with it before I broke his nose."

"That's not much to go off of," Leo grumbled, rubbing his forehead and resting his forearms on the countertop. "All they said to me was asking about a blue light.. and then they left me alone when you came out."

Anneliese felt a pit shoot through her stomach, but then immediately convinced herself that she just hadn't heard what he said correctly.

"They asked you about what?" Callaway prompted, walking out of the bathroom and into the main bedroom. "What did they want to know?"

"A blue light," Leo repeated with a roll of his eyes. "As if I'm supposed to know what the fuck they're talking about. It's probably some of their cult bullshit, like I thought America was wildling but here it's just- Anneliese?"

Anneliese had sat down on the edge of his bed, a completely breathless sensation overtaking her, like there was a hand at her throat that she just couldn't get rid of.

"Woah, what's wrong?" Leo asked, rushing to her side and gripping her hands tightly. "Talk to me, A, don't be quiet, come on."

"This is all my fault.." she whispered, tears welling up in her eyes. "Oh my lord, Leo, this is all my fault, they thought that you would know about it because you were with me, and I- I was the one who- oh my god-"

"Slow down," Leo said in a calm voice, trying not to let the pain creep into his tone. "What the hell are you saying, A? Do you know about what they were talking about?"

"No, L, I made what they were talking about," Anneliese said, suddenly rising and starting to walk to the door. "I did something stupid, dumb, reckless, so dumb, and somehow they found out- but how-"

"Anneliese, what did you do?" Anderson asked her, standing up as well and shutting the door behind him. "You didn't make one of those spells again, did you-"

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