captains and handshakes

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tw: you might die of heat / burning from how hot anneliese callaway is
i would also encourage you to go look at the original cast and quotes chapter again (first chapter of book) again - both anneliese and leo have changed!

February 18, 1978
5:49 am
Gryffindor Girls Dormitories

Anneliese finished tightly braiding her hair back against her scalp, deciding not to go all the way down to the ends and tying it off in a thick, golden ponytail resting heavy on her back.

She didn't artfully loosen it in some places and pull out strands, but instead made sure everything was as tight as possible so that it would stay out of the way for quidditch practice.

Callaway pulled up her socks and tugged up her white exercise shorts, doing one last look over of herself in the mirror before smirking slightly with satisfaction and walking out the door, quidditch bag thrown casually over one shoulder.

The corridors were surprisingly populated for before six in the morning, the occasional bunches of students who had gone to see professors for extra help during their free hours or had just had some kind of practice or club meeting as well.

"Morning, Callaway," a group of boys and a few of their girlfriends nodded as she walked by, sparing no subtlety in looking at her almost entirely exposed legs. "Quidditch?"

"Yep," she said, flashing them a white, straight smile and walking backwards as they looked over their shoulders so she could continue to talk to them. "Girlfriends?"

All of the boys scowled and turned away, while Anneliese decided that she would rather them pretend not to see her then act so rudely.

"Good morning, Anneliese," Myra smiled as she and the twins passed, and Callaway's smile was completely real this time as she saw the girls. "Just beware, your second day of Potions this week, Sluggy's giving a pop quiz."

"Yo, didn't know that," Anneliese grinned, gently touching cheeks with her seconds before they were out of range. "Thanks, darlin. Make sure to eat a good breakfast, all three of yall!"

"Yes, mum!" the twins shouted in unison with identical grins, and Callaway just stuck her tongue out at them playfully.

She received several more greetings as she made her way to the quidditch pitch, all of which she replied with a happy smile, a few words of amusing conversation, or clever but firm retorts when someone got too comfortable.

She hummed as she made her way into the changing room, and started to strap on her gloves before aggressive footsteps stormed in behind her.

Anneliese whipped around to see a very shirtless James tugging on a muggle basketball jersey, muscled stomach briefly revealed and making her turn away with a flush rising on her cheeks.

Once the fabric was done obstructing Potter's eyes and he set his glasses straight back on the bridge of his nose, he noticed Anneliese standing there and quickly felt a blush creep up the back of his neck as well.

That skintight, crimson tank top that cut off a few inches before her waistline wasn't doing much to protect her against the cold, but Callaway had always worn summer clothes every season of the year unless Alice forced her into pants by some miracle.

"Sorry," he muttered after snapping himself out of it, scanning the benches until he found his bag and started to strap on his gloves as well. "I didn't realize you were in here."

"Don't be," Anneliese shrugged honestly. "What's wrong? You were practically stomping like a damn elephant in here."

"I'm just really fucking sick of Snivellus," James snarled, yanking the straps unnecessarily tight around his brown forearms. "If he doesn't stop following around Lily and pulling her aside at every second he possibly can, I'm going to rip his hands off. Violently."

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