werewolves and brown hair

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im so sorry to everyone whose snap and it i have - ill be back asap i just have sm going on rn its rly complicated

October 17, 1977
11:29 pm
Ninth Floor Girls Bathroom

Some things were satisfying about sitting, eating dinner with your friends, but some things were also very wrong.

One of the satisfying things was that there were still fifty points missing from the Slytherin point tracker, the quantity of emeralds in the glass significantly less than all of the other stones around it.

This was because once Anneliese and Sirius got to the hospital wing and Pomfrey saw the bruises peppered across her face, jaw, and neck and told her who caused them, Poppy had taken points from a house for the first time in her life.

As for Lucius' three broken fingers courtesy of Lily, the Slytherin and his friends had healed them on their own with the same spell that Leo had used to mend Anneliese's broken nose.

Malfoy was too embarrassed to say that two mudblood girls had been the ones to cause the damage.

One of the much less satisfying things, however, was the Remus and Leo situation.

Ever since Anneliese and Sirius saw them arguing nearly two weeks ago, no one had witnessed a word spoken between the boyfriends. It was unnerving and made them all sad, and no one knew how to fix it.

They had both been ignoring the other so severely that Anneliese and Peter had both just gotten up from the Gryffindor table and left the Great Hall, deciding that they were just going to go back to the common room.

Pettigrew had complained the whole way about not having a date to the ball yet, and Anneliese had taken just about enough of it by the time they passed the Potions supply closet.

Ten minutes later, Pettigrew and Callaway were in the ninth story girls bathroom.

Peter was sitting with his back slouched on the tile floor as Don't Go Breaking My Heart by Elton John blasted in the background while Anneliese's fingertips were becoming stained with brown dye usually used for Merlin knows what.

"I think Elton John needs to learn how to write a song that's not the same lyric over and over," Peter grumbled, hugging his knees to his chest. "Who is he asking not to break his heart?"

"I think that's more up to the listener," Anneliese replied, applying more of the dye to the roots of the back of his head. "You get to interpret and decide what the song means to you, who you picture. At least that's how I think of it."

"Ooh, so you think of Sirius?" Peter teased, tilting his head back to look up at her. "How romantic. Don't worry, though, yesterday he was singing that lyric from Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy.. what was it.."

Pettigrew snapped his fingers a few times, trying to remember while Anneliese patiently started to work on the hair more towards the nape of his neck.

"Oh yea, I'd like for you and I to go romancing, say the word, your wish is my command," Peter said with a grin. "At literally three in the morning while the rest of us were trying to sleep at the top of his lungs."

"I'm surprised I didn't hear it," Anneliese said, rolling her eyes. "He's actually not half bad at singing, but if he knew that, I think his ego would inflate to the size of the whole damn tower."

"I'm pretty sure Frank already deflated it when he said if you would like to go romancing with A then you better hurry up, because I've seen like three guys ask her already."

"That much is true. It's devastatingly difficult to be as naturally seductive and alluring as I am" Callaway sighed. "But this is about you. Who do you want to ask?"

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