assumptions and carvings

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January 11, 1977
7:58 am
Hospital Wing

As the morning light streamed through the narrow, arched windows of the hospital wing, Anneliese was hit directly in the face with the beam as a very sudden wakeup call. She had fallen asleep on top of the covers with a slouched back and arm dangling off the edge of the bed, along with an oddly heavy pressure at her feet.

Dark blue eyes fluttering open, Callaway was shocked to see James still passed out at the foot of her bed.

It took her a few seconds to remember the midnight visit the past night, and her neck whipped around to see that the clock on the rickety table read that there were only two minutes until eight o'clock.

"James!" she shouted, throwing her legs out of bed. "JAMES POTTER!"

The dark haired boy nearly toppled off the bed onto the stone floor with shock, scrambling to find his glasses as he stood up far too quickly for having just come back to consciousness.

"Quidditch," he fumbled, that being the longest sentence he could make out. "Quidditch, quidditch, quidditch."

"Yea, I gathered that myself!" Anneliese exclaimed frantically. "We need to be on the pitch in two- one minute now, come-"

"What about your shoulder?" James interrupted, slowly coming to his senses after the brief daze of confusion. "We can't have an injured Seeker."

Moving two fingers inside the wide neckline of her sweater, Callaway looked down to see that Pomfrey's magic had done the trick. The bruise was almost completely faded, with just a patch of light purple on her tan skin replacing the dark patchwork that had been there only hours ago.

"And?" James asked impatiently, eyes flicking to her shoulder. "Is it healed?"

"It's good enough," Anneliese replied, quickly lacing up her quidditch boots that she still had besides her bed from when she had taken them off directly after the match. "Come on, who team is going to be waiting on us."

The two quidditch players were so busy sprinting out of the hospital wing that they didn't notice the pair of fifth years that had been about to enter to ask Pomfrey a question.

And from afar, Potter and Callaway's little awakening could have been interpreted very differently than what actually happened.

What the two Gryffindors had just seen combined with the spiralling rumors going around about Anneliese, the fifth years decided that they were going to have a fun time with this one.

January 11, 1977
9:56 am
Gryffindor Tower

Sirius was in a bit of a sour mood after the previous night, both from having gotten about three hours of sleep and making the stupid decision to not go and with them. His pride had once again gotten in the way of what was best, and he hated himself for it as he jogged down the stairs that lead into the Gryffindor common room.

Almost immediately, he was met by a dozen whispers reaching his ears.

Now, Black was very used to having much of the Hogwarts gossip be about him, but it was almost always about something good that made him look more attractive and desirable.

Something about the way that people avoided his eyes unless it was with pitying glances, though, made him feel ever more uneasy than he had been before.

Deciding to just ignore it and that it was too early for this, Sirius pushed his way through the groups of people and made his way to the portrait hole to get some breakfast.

Just as he was sitting down next to Marlene and Remus, though, a comment from two Hufflepuffs behind him made him feel both confused and very, very angry.

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