brothers and drivers licences

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November 1, 1976
7:01 pm
Gryffindor Common Room


Things are not going as planned, and I mean that in the worst way possible.

The last prank I was able to pull was four days ago, and only with the help of Goldstein. Who says that she misses you a lot, by the way. Anyway, it went really well, we enchanted all of the tapestries to wolf whistle at the Horned Serpents and teachers whenever they walked by.

Then Sayre took my wand.

For the past few days, I've had to check that stupid damn stick in and out at every class so that I can't use it. I've also been blocked from the Potions room, so I can literally do nothing to cause any trouble whatsoever besides fighting someone or something.

There's been a lot of rumors going around that my mother wants to keep me from you at all costs because of your reputation, which is just such bullshit. Not bullshit because it's not true, but bullshit because she is such a bitch. I swear that I'm going to just set up a damn portkey myself or write to Dumbledore or something.

One good thing is that Queenie knows Dumbledore well somehow, I think maybe through Mr. Scamander, but maybe I can get a word in to visit you like that.

I hope that everything is going well with you and Black.

Just remember that people should know all of you. I know it's hard to trust everyone at first, but at least by the end of the year would probably be healthy. Learning about your parents and North Carolina and everything really helped me understand you as a person. You obviously don't have to tell them anything at all, but it might really help. Just keep being strong and brave and you.

I miss you so much I can't even explain it.



Anneliese read the letter at least ten times with her fingers clutching the parchment so tightly on the edges that it would tear if held like that for even five minutes long. There were a few drops of smudged ink on his words where she had cried and then tried to wipe it away.

Hugging her knees tighter to her chest, Anneliese pressed her back against the wall and realized that she might actually never go back to Ilvermorny.

The notion had always been there, but now it was starting to settle in faster now that she had reached her second month in this new place. The corridors were slowly starting to become more and more familiar, and America seemed like the place she would visit.

Not the place she would return to go home.

I can always just move back when I'm an adult, she told herself desperately. Then maybe I'll get to see all of them again.

Although she was closest to Leo, there were several other friends she had been missing desperately, especially Violet Goldstein. She and her aunt were like mother and sister figures to her, something that she didn't have here.

Anneliese slowly looked at the common room around her as she set down the letter on the oak wood next to her. All of the couches and chairs were completely empty, and only the fire could be heard crackling. Every other student was at dinner, besides her.

The privacy was the only reason she was letting so many tears flow in the usually public space.

Moving her neck slightly to get rid of the cramp that had formed in it from sitting there for so long, Anneliese stood up and grabbed a quill.

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