starlight and revelations

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*i changed it how neither of them have someone to go with bc i didnt like the previous scenario and it felt rushed (ignore this if its past 4/16/21)

November 30, 1976
6:49 pm
Gryffindor Girls Dormitories

There was a buzz of anticipation among the sixth year girls that were attending Slughorn's party as they got dressed, all excited to have one last fun night before they left for the Christmas holidays on December first.

"Dorcas, do you think that this shade is too light?" Anneliese asked, calling over the girl that had become her direct line to any makeup help. "I can't tell."

Briskly walking over from where she had been helping Lily with her blush, Dorcas squinted at Anneliese in the mirror for a few seconds before snatching a tube of lip gloss from the counter.

"I think that it'll be perfect as soon as you add this," she told her with a grin. "Otherwise it's playing it too safe."

"Thanks, darlin," Anneliese called over her shoulder as she followed Meadowes' instructions. "I would be completely lost without you."

"I know," Dorcas replied, making them all laugh. "Lene, I adore you, but please tell me that you aren't planning on using that much mascara."

The next half hour or so continued like this with them all helping one another get dressed, hair ready, and makeup applied properly until they finally decided that if they did anymore, it would be overkill.

"Okay, so, remember," Lily said in their little huddle. "The only person here who has a romantic date is you two, Dor and Lene, so just have fun. This night is not going to get all messed up by a certain Potter or Black. Clear?"

"Clear," they all repeated before breaking apart and hurrying down to the common room so that they wouldn't be late.

Meanwhile, Sirius was getting thoroughly interrogated by his friends.

"You know literally almost any person in this school would go with you, right?" James asked with a sly grin. "I guarantee."

"Okay, and?" Sirius asked, running a hand through his hair. "You don't have to remind me how attractive and high in demand I am, Prongs."

"What he's getting at is that you're clearly not going with some random person and having a one night stand like you normally would because of A."

Remus just gave an unbothered shrug at all of their stares. At this point, he was used to being the blunt one.

"Okay, who says that I'm not," Sirius said with a dubious roll of his eyes that was so obviously false. "Hey, stop looking at me like that."

"No girl in this school has enough self respect to go with you to this party," Remus declared. "They know that they would just be a sub for A, and all women are far more intelligent than that."

"He spoke no lies," James said with a wise nod. "Besides, just have fun. Tonight isn't all about girls, mate."

"Yea, I agree," Sirius replied. "Now maybe if we could convince Sluggy to-"

There was a stumble and flurry of warm laughter as the four girls all descended the stairs at once with happy smiles and looks in their eyes that implied they had just had a thorough gossip section.

Sirius's eyes darted to one girl in particular.

Anneliese was wearing a light blue dress with a low neckline, but not too much for a formal school event. The flowy fabric cut off mid thigh, once again the perfect amount of class with a little bit of flair that Queenie had so expertly taught her the art of.

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