manipulative threats and surprising announcements

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GET ME TO 1k ON TIKTOK SO I CAN DO LIVES W YALL (@drowninginparagraphs)
September 1, 1977
3:27 pm
Hospital Wing

As Anneliese woke up after sleeping for another four hours, she found that all of the haze of the previous night was gone. Her body and mind and senses were finally in sharp focus again.

It had felt like a part of her had been stripped bare with the loss of her vision and hearing especially that helped her with being a Seeker, and she was happy to feel protected again.

Her newly returned capabilities weren't the only things making her feel protected, though.

There was a hand holding onto Anneliese's as she had her eyes shut, not too tight but also strong enough of a grip to make her feel safe and secure.

Soft whispers sounded all around her from the other teenagers in her year. She recognized Dorcas, Marlene, Alice, and Frank among them, meaning they must have arrived at Hogwarts early as well.

"It feels weird to be in the castle when it's so empty," Dorcas muttered, the yawn audible in her voice. "I've already had like six portraits scare me because it was so quiet before they spoke."

"I'm just glad to be back," Alice said, voice shaking slightly. "Everything feels so much safer here with Dumbledore and just.. everything."

"I cannot believe that the Ministry came," Lily said, tone furious. "That is just so out of line. Sometimes I think that they're just as power hungry as the Death Eaters."

"Well, that would make sense since Voldemort has half of those workers under the Imperius Curse, as his Death Eaters, or just too scared of him to do anything," Remus said sourly. "So they might as well be."

"When does the train get here again?" Leo asked, anxious to just eat some dinner already since the last food he had was popcorn at the movie theater. "I'm hungry as fuck."

"You're always hungry," Anneliese muttered, opening up her eyes now that there was an opportunity to insult Leo. "It's really just- Jesus Christ- why're yall sittin so damn close?"

All of the seventh years were in fact packed very tightly around her bed, startling Callaway and making them scoot back with slight sheepishness.

"You were asleep before this for hours," James said, running both hands down his face. "Merlin, we were all so bloody scared."

"Well, she's awake now, that's all that matters," Marlene said, pink eyeshadow smudged all over her face that she hadn't bothered to take off yet. "God, it's a miracle you didn't lose all the blood in your body."

"You say that whenever you're on your period," Dorcas pointed out. "Just saying."

"Okay, but like there's a difference when your body creates excess blood to hold a baby," Marlene replied. "My uterus needs to learn that I'm lesbian-"

Lily slapped Mckinnon's forearm, cutting her off. Once Marlene got off topic, you had to cut it off early before it turned into a Shakespeare length monologue.

"We told Pomfrey what we gave you and she was actually impressed," Leo said with a grin. "She also said that those pills probably saved your life, so like call us professional healers or whatever."

A laugh went around them, one full of mild delirium and just relief that all eleven of them were alive and in one room after that attack.

Granted, they were all remarkably sleep deprived from staying up all night and looked like they had intentionally painted dark circles under their eyes for some goth makeup look, but it was better than being apart.

ink - sirius blackजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें