confusion and insults

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February 16, 1977
5:03 pm

Anneliese and Sirius were too absorbed in arguing passionately about trying to figure out how to insult and torment one another most in the afterlife to notice their friends coming out of the Transfiguration room behind them.

Callaway's hands were shoved into the pockets of the black leather jacket while a few stray strands of golden blonde hair had fallen in front of her face from the very messy ponytail she had thrown it in right before the portkey.

Her dark blue eyes were very strongly feeling something, and even Remus couldn't tell if it was genuine anger at Sirius or amusement.

Standing a few feet away from her, Black was looking just as fierce as he spoke with his hands, moving them animatedly in front of him to try and go along with his argument. Whether his expression was aggressive or teasing, Lupin also couldn't tell.

"Believe me, I will find a way to strut into hell where you will be, Callaway, and then flip you off before going back to heaven," Sirius declared, grey eyes narrowed and finger directly pointed to the girl across from him.

"If I'm going to hell, then you won't have to find me, because I'll already be there with you!" Anneliese exclaimed, eyes widened. "That would be good torture, wouldn't it?"

"What, putting us in the afterlife together?" Black confirmed, and she nodded. "I agree. We would kill each other if we weren't already dead-"


Anneliese and Sirius both whipped around to see James standing there with both his hands up in the air with his palms facing them, a completely bewildered expression on his face.

Behind him, Peter, Remus, Lily, and Marlene all had the exact same confusion written all over their features.

They had thought that since Sirius and Anneliese had returned together, things had gone well. Yet here the two of them were, arguing their asses off like normal and openly talking about how they wanted to murder one another.

"Lily!" Anneliese exclaimed happily, anger melting off her face as the redhead tackled her in a very tight hug. "Marls!"

Sirius received similar greetings from the boys, but there was still the underlying confusion.

Callaway felt a wave of guilt wash over her as she broke apart from the girls, the realization of the decision that she had made and how it affected everyone else making her not be able to look them in the eyes properly.

Lily quickly noticed this, and her light green eyes darted all over Anneliese's face, looking for more hints besides guilt of what had happened.

"I'm sorry," Callaway said softly, breathing catching in her chest slightly as she turned to James. "He told me that you guys lost the quidditch match against Hufflepuff-"

Potter's expression was more one of concern than anger. He didn't like the way that Anneliese wasn't looking him in the eyes as she always had, it made an uneasy feeling settle across his stomach.

"No, no," James cut her off. "Some things are more important than quidditch, like mental health and that shit. Not 'that shit' like it's not important, but like- you know what I mean."

There was still a ringing waver in his ramble, like something else was going on behind the curtain with Callaway that he didn't know about fully and was making her feel odd.

Anneliese's expression looked that way as well, except she didn't know what was bothering her. Being back at Hogwarts and talking about quidditch should have felt great, but instead it felt like she had made the wrong decision.

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