lust and blinks

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tw: violence

November 3, 1977
11:09 pm
Quidditch Pitch


The bludger went flying away from Anneliese and into the misty night air with an echoing collison that rang in her ears, the only thing audible over the howling wind.

It was too late at night for her to be doing this, but Callaway had no desire to go to Sirius's eighteenth birthday party in the room of requirement like everyone else in the sixth and seventh years were.

They had both only gotten a few hours of sleep the previous night, and Sirius had tried to talk to Anneliese all day about him lying to her about being that damned dog. He hadn't suceeded.

The amount of people asking him for details about the party tonight and wishing him a happy birthday in general made it very hard to actually approach Anneliese without getting caught in a crowd.

It didn't help much either that Callaway herself was being hit with more and more invitations to the ball with every day that passed. She was still declining all of them with as much politeness as she could.

Her and Leo might as well just go as friends with the not so ideallyic points they were at in their relationships with Remus and Sirius.

Anneliese swung yet another time, hitting the bludger perfectly again and making it fade off into the grey, dark distance until its magic pulled it back towards her half a minute later or so.

Her hair was tangled and damp from the mist, and the thin ponytail holder she had wrapped around it in an attempt to keep it back wasn't doing much to hold back the strands.

Sirius is probably drunk, she thought sourly. Drinking away all of his issues when he can't come up to me as a dog instead. Fucking asshole.

The bludger went sailing off into the distance with her latest swing, each one becoming more and more aggressive as she thought of Black and what he was probably doing right now.

Or really just their year in general.

And Lily is probably off having a good time like she didn't just give Remus a heart attack twelve hours ago and now the poor boy is trying to act as calm as possible, she continued internally. So that's lovely.

Her first instinct after hitting the ball again was going to rant to Regulus.

But he's a Death Eater and can't be trusted, so even that's not an option anymore, Anneliese fumed, gritting her teeth. So fuck this stupid fucking school and all the people in it for fuck's sake.

Another slam echoed through the empty pitch, but this time it was accompanied by a voice.

"Anneliese, what the fuck are you doing?" James asked from behind her, using his wand as a light and staring in disbelief. "It is night and there is a party and you are out here alone hitting bludgers."

Callaway turned around, bat over her shoulder and eyebrow raised.

"I'm practicing," she said in a flat voice. "Isn't that what you always get onto us to do?"

"Yes, except for the very crucial fact that you are not our Beater, you are our Seeker, just like your shirt says," James pointed out, scanning her up and down. "It is like forty degrees and you're wearing gym shorts, A."

Anneliese looked down at the dark red shorts and quidditch button down shirt with Gryffindor Team Seeker printed across the front and two brooms crossed with a snitch in the middle.

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