skirts and destruction

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February 16, 1977
5:13 pm

The second that Anneliese and Sirius heard footsteps coming from around the corner, they broke apart so quickly that you wouldn't even have to blink to miss it.

A small thrill went through both of them at the adrenaline rush of not wanting anyone to see them kissing, almost as if it was some sort of fun game they were both way too deep in.

When James came around the corner and saw his two friends with their arms crossed at one another still and eyes narrowed, he just rolled his eyes and grabbed both of them by the arm.

"This is what's going to happen, you two," he said, pulling them both over to where the rest of the Gryffindors were waiting. "Since Anneliese is back, that obviously means that things didn't go to total shit. However, you two are also not skipping around with joy."

Callaway was desperately trying to hold in her laugh, the corners of her mouth twitching up. She could still feel the heat of Sirius's lips against her skin from less than a minute before.

If James knew, he would flip his shit, Anneliese thought with amusement. Oh well.

"Who says we aren't just not skipping with joy in front of you?" Black asked along with Callaway's unspoken thoughts that were very similar to his, mysteriously wiggling his eyebrows. "You might never know."

"He's right," Anneliese said with a factual nod, still trying not to smile. "For all you can figure out, we were just making out around the corner."

Now it was Black's turn to try and stop himself from bursting out into laughter.

Things with Anneliese always kept him on his toes the second that he thought he could relax, and that was what he really loved about her. There was no telling if she was going to kiss or insult him at any second.

Sirius had always chased after a thrill his entire life, and now that thrill was personified in the form of a southern blonde girl with a talent for making things complicated.

"Oh my god," Lily sighed with a shake of her head. "Nothing is ever going to be simple with you two will it?"

Callaway and Black looked at one another with identical smirks before turning back to Evans and shaking their heads in unison.

Remus noticed that both of their gazes were more on the other's lips than eyes.

February 17, 1977
10:07 am
Charms Class

As one would expect, Sirius was mildly offended about Anneliese's take on the publicity of what happened in New York.

He personally thought that there was nothing to be ashamed of in loving, and then dating one another.

From the incredibly popular, well liked among both students and professors Marauder's perspective, the entire damn castle knowing about his latest pairing wasn't much of an issue.

But that same entire damn castle had also made Anneliese's life hell for weeks on end, and he didn't fully blame her for not wanting to face that when already coming back in the first place was a rather 'Thunderbird' action, as Queenie put it.

Sirius respected Anneliese deeply, and he wasn't going to let the months it took for him to prove that to her go to waste because he wanted to kiss her in public.

These were the thoughts that a young man had when thinking about the person he cared for.

But there were other thoughts that were much more oriented towards the fact that he was a mildly arrogant teenage boy with the world at his fingertips and much more than just good looks going for him.

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