chipped wood and melted ice cream

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May 30, 1977
8:58 pm
Diagon Alley

As Anneliese walked down the lantern lit streets of Diagon Alley, the euphoria of the station was slowly wearing off, and the weight of what had happened was steadily trickling back in its place.

She knew that Sirius's parents were rather extreme examples of blood purists, but it was still a harsh awakening that the more sheltered world of Hogwarts simply wasn't realistic.

By no means was every student completely void of any prejudice towards muggleborns, half bloods, and blood traitors, but at least within the walls of the castle there were rules and punishments if you committed one of these offenses.

Well, technically, the Ministry was supposed to be controlling these kinds of people, but everyone knew that most of the high ranking officials were either the cruel purebloods themselves or were too scared to do anything.

There was the constant fear that if you spoke up, one day your loved ones or yourself was going to mysteriously vanish, or your small shop you owned in Hogsmeade would have been destroyed in a tragic accident.

That fear, however, was surprisingly absent in Diagon Alley this night.

Every shop was crammed full of students and their families celebrating the end of another good school year with either a gift for their child or a large serving of evening ice cream in the warm summer air.

It was so noisy and chaotic that Anneliese and Leo had linked arms very early on in their walk to make sure they weren't separated from each other. Leo's height did them quite a bit of favors with making their way through the crowd as well.

Anneliese's eyes were drawn to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor, the place that Alice's dad owned and one of the busiest shops of the night.

She could see Alice herself adding a generous amount of color changing sprinkles to a cone for a little boy from behind the counter, and then giving Frank a short kiss and then a long laugh as Longbottom came out wearing one of the store's bright pink aprons and goofy grin.

"Aaaaa," Leo groaned, nudging her shoulder his with forehead as he followed her gaze into the parlor. "You have to tell me what's going on between you and Sirius now, because you looking at couples with that sad expression is going to make me sad."

"You have no right to be sad," Anneliese countered. "You have Remus, and you two are like the cutest couple I've ever seen. Like, come on, yall are like some hardcore Disney true love at first sight shit."

"Yes, and from the letters you sent me, you and Sirius are like if Aurora tried to stab Philip when they first met instead of dancing in the woods," Leo said thoughtfully. "Well, a very southern and temperamental Aurora, but you get the point."

"Yea, except I am not planning on having a Prince Philip in a leather jacket kiss me while I'm sleeping," Anneliese said with untamed disgust. "Have we ever really thought about how nonconsensual the whole true love's kiss thing is?"

"I think it just adds onto how fucking straight Disney is," Leo said, nose wrinkled as he rubbed one eye, smearing his black eyeliner slightly. "Like, where are the gays? I can totally see Pinnochio and one of the Lost Boys hitting it off. I mean-"

"Don't you dare make a wood joke," Annneliese cut him off, and Leo just gave her a shrug and sly grin that implied he was about to before she stopped him. "Bro, what if all the seven dwarves were just like.. gay."

"Aren't they all brothers?" Anderson replied, dark brow furrowed. "So like.. gay incest. That would be a big step for the company."

"Maybe they're purebloods," Anneliese mused, and Leo snorted in amusement. "I'm not even joking, L. Like, I'm eighty percent sure that Narcissa and Lucius are related in some way and I still walked in on them in a broom cupboard."

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