brownies and brass clocks

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December 1, 1976
9:32 am
Gryffindor Girls Dormitories

Just as she had predicted, Anneliese had been a complete mess ever since she got back from Slughorn's party. The entire night, she had been tossing and turning with a pit in her stomach that was hard to distinguish between nerves and butterflies when she thought of Sirius.

There was the constant dilemma in her mind of whether or not she should have chased after him in the corridor at night or let him process his thoughts like she had been able to. Anneliese just wanted things to be clean and neat without anything more confusing than it already was.

Dorcas, Alice, Lily, and Marlene had gone over a dozen scenarios with her of what to do in the morning, all of which were just whims of thought. Those daydreams followed her into the night when she had finally been able to get a wink of sleep.

Or maybe an hour or two more than a wink.

The sunlight was streaming through the tower windows, creating a diamond pattern on the stone floor and crimson carpet because of the patterned iron work. Unfortunately, these bright beams hadn't hit Anneliese in the face as they did Lily's bed to wake her up.

The blonde girl had fallen asleep on her side facing the door, and one hand underneath her pillow with the other barely brushing against the floor with dangling fingertips. She was so exhausted from the events and staying up so late the last night that her body had betrayed her mind's intentions.

She had slept right through Sirius leaving.

Her shoulder slowly started to roll off balance against the mattress, so much that her hand hit the ground with a sudden jolt. Dark blue eyes flying open, Anneliese was abruptly aware that the bed Marlene usually occupied next to her was completely empty.

She stood up so quickly that her head spun, and a hand was extended against the carved mahogany bedpost to stabilize herself. Squinting her eyes to read the brass clock up on the mantle, Anneliese let out a loud groan.

The Hogwarts Express had left half an hour ago.

"No, no, no!" she cried, holding her head in her hands as she furiously paced around the room. "Why didn't they wake me up?"

As if the dormitory had read her mind, Anneliese noticed a small note on her bedside table.

a - we didn't want to wake you up because of how tired you seemed, and we know that you were going to talk to sirius, but it seems best if you do it when you're fully awake. have a happy christmas! we're going to miss you. - marlene, alice, dorcas, and lily

Anneliese reread the note what felt like ten times before angrily pulling a sweater over her tank top and running down to the empty common room and throwing it into the fire.

Only being able to stand watching it burn for a few moments, Callaway sat down on the edge of the cushy orange couch and buried her forehead in her knees with a defeated sob.

This was the first time she had ever cried over a boy, and she hated it.

December 1, 1976
4:58 pm
Platform 9 ¾

Just like when they had taken the Express to Hogwarts at the beginning of their sixth year, Sirius once again was almost completely quiet as he looked out the window and thought of the blonde southern girl that had thrown his entire world and the way he viewed himself for a loop.

The last night, he had been completely euphoric.

Granted, the same feeling had certainly happened with him and a girl many times after one of Slughorn's parties, but that was always something physical.

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