legilimency and cramped hands

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February 10, 1977
3:47 am
The Blind Pig

The entire club was confused as to how the character of Queenie Goldstein leathally staring down a goblin, daring for him to move first in their card game changed in an instant when no one had said a single thing aloud.

Anneliese was smothered in the warm pink fur before she even had time to blink, Queenie wrapping her in an embrace without saying a word, elated that the girl she considered a niece was back home.

"Oh, darling, you look freezing!" she exclaimed, pulling off her golden scarf and wrapping it around Anneliese's shoulders. "And skinny! What have they been feeding you at Hogwarts? Someone get this girl some Exploding Bonbons- thank you dear."

Callaway was completely flustered by the sudden stream of questions and platter of pastries now in front of her, and it appeared that everyone else previously just playing cards at the table was as well.

"Who is this girl?" a warlock asked gruffly. "Is she even old enough to be in here?"

Queenie seemed to just then realize that all of the table was looking at her with confusion, and gave her audience a winning smile as she gripped Anneliese by the shoulders to turn her towards the crowd.

"Everyone, this is Anneliese Callaway, Anneliese Callaway, this is everyone," she said warmly, her voice raised to reach over the clamor and music of the club. "And honey, are you old enough to be in here?"

"Well, uhm-" the blonde started, but was quickly cut off by another question as Goldstein's green eyes widened in concern as a thought hit her for the first time.

"Wait a damn minute, why in the name of Merlin are you here?" she asked with panic. "Did you get expelled from Hogwarts as well? Did something bad happen? Did someone die? I swear if that old man Dumbledore did something, I will personally-"

"No, no, nothing like that," Anneliese reassured her. "Well-"

She cut herself off, dark blue eyes flicking around the crowded table. Nearly all of the attendees were intently listening to their conversation, and it occurred to Anneliese that it would be better if she could get some privacy so that Queenie could understand everything clearly.

"I think we need some more quiet than this," Callaway said softly, the weight of the situation suddenly hitting her as emotion rose in her throat. "I-I can't think with all of this noise."

I can't not think about him, Anneliese thought. I can't do this, I can't.

Queenie heard the panic in A's mind whether the teenager had wanted her to read it or not.

"Come on, doll," she said, standing up from the table. "Any of you can play for me, just take my cards. They're rather good as well, so bet high."

There was a quick rush to grab the cards, properly providing a distraction.

Anneliese quickly followed behind Goldstein out into one of the more private, luxurious side rooms of the bar, thankful that Queenie knew the place and owner well so that they could go almost anywhere they wanted within the club without any trouble from one of the disguised bouncers.

"Sit, sit," the older woman instructed as she patted the velvet cushion of a dark green couch, still moving with the grace of someone much younger. "Now tell me, what brings you here?"

The music a room away became muffled with the privacy, chatter reduced to merely background noise.

Callaway sat down on the couch, her weight making her sink down a few inches into the plush fabric. Even though she knew that she should feel relaxed, Anneliese's shoulders instead refused to not be stiff, her hands staying either clenched or rapidly moving to try and soothe herself.

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