Bonus Chapter 2

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Hello all! Thank you for giving Lilia and Lev so much love.

If you are interested, I do have an idea for one more bonus chapter. Let me know in the comments :)


Having two Lycans under one roof was exhausting.

It felt like the world had celebrated when Lilia gave birth to him seven years ago. The Council had visited immediately, and the Alphas were bombarded with visitation requests from strangers across the world.

Arthur was given special treatment the second he had been conceived. Being responsible for repopulating the world with Lycans was a lot of pressure and led to an extremely stressful pregnancy for everyone. Lilia's immune system didn't help at all, Lev was constantly terrified, and appointments were constant.

The stress of a seven-year-old and pressure from everyone was a lot to handle. Lilia didn't exactly want to go through a Lycan pregnancy again, but she understood her duty. Her three-month pregnant belly was already causing her pain. She hated being pregnant.

Arthur shifted at the young age of five into a full-sized wolf. Lilia was only slightly bigger than him and teared up as soon as she saw him. It was like he was losing his childhood, but she knew he was just different. It was a struggle to get used to it all.

Lev went from being terrified to even touch his son to practically never letting him go. Arthur had only stayed with Johanna and her soulmate Nancy twice since he'd been born because Lev refused to let anyone watch him. He still made time to take Lilia out, though, and that's definitely gotten easier the older Arthur gets.

Lev was able to take a break from Beta duties this week and spend a day off with his family. Alphas Blaton and Luke were very lenient with him when Lilia was pregnant because everyone knew how it treated her. Shortly into her first pregnancy, her body was deemed unstable, and she wasn't allowed to be left alone.

This pregnancy was no different.

She sat on the front porch of their house in a comfortable, cushioned patio chair with Johanna while Lev tussled with his son gently in the yard. Lilia rested her head against the back of her chair and took her hand off of her bump.

"This sucks," she groaned. Johanna only smiled.

"I always thought you would stop after Arthur," she said softly. Her voice was starkly different to the deep growls coming from the front lawn.

"This is the last damn one," Lilia swore. She'd said that while pregnant with Arthur, but she meant it this time. The Council could go to hell.

"It's your choice. Don't let them pressure you," Johanna encouraged.

"Need anything?" Lev's voice came into Lilia's head. She looked out into the yard to see him picking up Arthur by the scruff of his neck and softly setting him on the front porch. He ran over to his mother and nuzzled her legs before trying to jump on her like a dog. Lev was quick to grab him again and move him aside.

Lev growled lightly before nuzzling Arthur's stomach as a warning to not do it again.

"No, honey. Thank you. Will you take him in and get him dressed? We have dinner in an hour," Lilia reminded. To fit in the door, Lev had to shift back as Johanna looked away. He gave Lilia a dazzling smile before picking up their muddy pup and walking inside.

"I love Arthur, I do," Johanna started, "but I'm glad Nancy and I agreed not to have kids."

"Everyone is different. Just because you don't want to have kids doesn't mean you hate Arthur," Lilia chuckled. Johanna just smiled.

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