Chapter 3

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Woah! What a long chapter!

I really really like how this chapter was written, so I really really hope you all enjoy it! It's extra long because I felt like every little detail was very important in this chapter, and warning...there's  kind of a big cliffhanger at the end.

Thank you so much for reading! Let me know what you think.


Lilia didn't bother ironing her dress this time.

She would have to carry it in her mouth as they ran to the arena, so it would get wrinkled anyway. She also didn't want to look good to her new all. Maybe he would eventually lose interest in her.

"Lilia, are you ready? I've got your mother downstairs!" Lilia had rarely ever seen her Aunt Johanna as mad as she had been the day before. Once her family worked out what Alpha was forcing her to do, Lilia had to practically tie down her aunt so she wouldn't go after him.

Kate just sat and watched quietly.

After Johanna had gone to bed, Lilia crawled into her mother's bed. Kate was still awake and was silently crying when her daughter lifted up the covers and snuggled with her.

"I can't save you," Kate cried. She hugged her daughter tightly and prayed to the Moon Goddess her daughter wouldn't be taken from her. Lilia deserved to be happy, and neither of them could understand why this was happening to her.

"I'll be alright, momma, just trust me. Alright?" Lilia was holding back tears. She didn't want to leave, because she wanted to spend with her mother before she died. Her mother's doctor had made it very clear she most likely wouldn't make it to Christmas.

It was February. Kate had less than a year left.

Lilia closed her eyes and poured as much trust into the Moon Goddess as she possibly could. Though it was difficult because she didn't like what the Goddess was doing, she believed that everything happened for a reason, and somehow this situation would turn around.

If she didn't believe that, she would probably lose her mind. Alpha Howie was a dreadful man, but she would deal with it for the time being.

"Lilia!" Her aunt's shrill voice echoed through her head. "We're going to be late!" Lilia really, really didn't want to go.

Lilia shook her head as she made her way downstairs and towards the front door. Family comes first, she reminded herself, and what she wanted didn't matter right now. Lilia trusted the Moon Goddess to take care of her needs.

"I'm here, I'm here," she assured her family. Johanna scoffed and lifted Kate off of the couch. Lilia's aunt began to slip out of her clothes before shifting. She was supposed to be used to seeing people in the nude, but not matter how she looked at it she was embarrassed every time.

Lilia quickly took her dress and undergarments off and placed them in a small bag before shifting. Her wolf was small than the average size in her pack, but Lilia had done amazing in training. It seemed like the illnesses she got from her mother didn't affect her in wolf form.

"Help your mother up, then we'll go," Johanna said. Lilia slid her head under her mother's legs as she grabbed onto Johanna with her arms. A quick count to three and Kate was settled on Johanna's large wolf form, then they were off.

The journey to the arena wasn't typically too long, but Lilia felt like it went too fast this time. She didn't want to see Alpha Howie, and she really didn't want to see them auction off one of their own kind.

Yes, the wolf had done something wrong, but wasn't this going too far? The person who bought the wolf would probably just be using it as target practice...she didn't want to see that happen.

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