Chapter 23

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Hello again! Being back at school is really helping my creativity.


"Hello Council," Alpha Blaton said.

The four of them were in some sort of conference room the Alphas commonly used for meetings. There was a large television with a camera on top of it to video call with the Council.

There were five of them each on five different little screens, three men and two women.

"Alpha Blaton," one of the women responded, "we hear you have some interesting news for us." She tucked a strand of her grey hair behind her ear.

"I do not mean to shock you, but due to some recent events we have encountered an original Lycan."

Surprisingly, the Council did not look shocked.

"We've received many reports in the last decade about these supposed "Lycans", Blaton. Everyone wants their ticket to fame," one of the men said.

"Councilman Danheart, I can assure you this is not a lie. Lev here is over four centuries old. He was a child during the massacre and grew up under a human, so his Lycan strength is little. We fear his Lycan was drugged or injured permanently," said Alpha Blaton.

"We will require proof, Alpha Blaton," the original woman said, "We will not visit until that proof is secured."

"We will send a messenger to personally secure a sample. It will be tested at our facility and we will contact you with the results. Good day," Councilman Danheart said. With a click all of their faces disappear.

Alpha Blaton blew out a big breath and relaxed in his chair. It seemed the Council wasn't only intimidating to Lilia.

"What do we do now?" Lilia cleared her throat to settle herself.

"Well, the messenger should show up tomorrow and collect the sample—"

"What will that consist of?"

"The messenger will watch Doctor Walahan draw blood to make sure the sample is not tampered with, then they will transport it back to the Council for the test," Alpha Luke answered.

"Where are they located?" Lilia wondered aloud.

"Europe," Blaton answered, smiling at Alpha Luke who had started running his fingers through his mate's hair, "United Kingdom."

"That's far! How will he get here that fast?"

"Their messenger will probably be getting on a plane right now," Alpha Luke checked his watch.

"All we can do right now is relax. Go eat with your family and we'll do the blood test tomorrow morning when Lev comes for his rehab," Alpha Blaton encouraged gently.

"Yes, Alpha. Once again, I cannot thank you enough," Lilia said. They both smiled and nodded at her and watched her leave the room quietly.

Lilia's legs wobbled and Lev was there to catch her. She managed to make it to their room before she laid on the bed and took a deep breath.

"So much is happening," she whispered. Lev curled his large wolf body around her head to keep her warm. She must have been so exhausted.

Without a noise, Lev jumped off the bed and opened the door with his mouth. Lilia looked up to see him dash out the door and got comfortable underneath the covers rather than following him.

She felt bad that he'd always had to be near her. Maybe he wanted to get to know some people or do something on his own...she wouldn't stop him. He really deserved it.

A few minutes later Lev trotted back in with a big, toothy grin. He held a plastic bag in between his teeth and brought it straight to Lilia. She sat up in bed and took it from him, giving him a confused look.

She opened the plastic container inside to reveal the lasagna that was being cooked downstairs. Lilia practically shrieked with delight and hugged Lev really tight.

"Thank you, and...I'm sorry you keep having to do things for me," she apologized sheepishly. Lev nuzzled into her side so hard he almost knocked her over. She giggled when he started licking her face and pushed him away when she'd had enough.

"Thank you," She said again. He nuzzled into her side and watched her eat. When she finished her meal she curled into him, turned on the TV, and fell asleep quickly.

The next morning they woke up early and rushed to Lev's rehab room.

Doctor Walahan, Alpha Luke, and a stranger were waiting.

"Hi, I'm Lilia," she held out her hand.

"I'm just here to get the sample," the messenger said, ignoring the hand, "let's get this finished so I can arrive by dinner time."

Lilia put her hand back at her side and Lev growled lowly at the stranger for the disrespect.

"It's alright Lev, let's get this over with," Alpha Luke muttered.

Drawing his blood didn't take long and the young messenger was out of their hair in no time. Alpha Luke and Lilia proceeded with Lev's rehab and Alpha Luke told Lilia some of the best news she's ever heard.

"We've done so much work with the weights that I think we'll be able to start walking next week, how does that sound?"

Lev made a noise of delight and Lilia couldn't help but giggle at the thought of him walking. It would make him a lot more independent, she was sure he would love that!

"Are you serious?"

"I wouldn't joke about his progress, you're doing great, Lev," Alpha Luke assured. They had another training session after lunch and after dinner as well.

Alpha Blaton burst into the third session with the phone in his hand.

"It's the Council," he rushed, the phone ringing in his hand, "I thought we should all be here to answer it."

"Yes, Council," Alpha Luke answered next to Alpha Blaton.

"I-I...I don't know how it's possible," It was the first Councilwoman that had spoken the previous day. There was loud chatter in the background.

"I didn't either, Councilwoman, but research needs to be done on the state of his Lycan and we need to personally meet with the entire council before anyone speaks of this. It could put his life in danger," Alpha Blaton said. That was the most strict he'd ever sounded around Lilia.

"Of course, Alpha Blaton. I trust you will protect him with your strongest warriors," she said strongly.

"I will protect him with my life," he swore, "the Council will need to keep their trip quiet, if anyone were to hear the council was here—"

"We'll keep it quiet, Alpha Blaton. You needn't worry," she assured. Seconds later she said her final greetings and hung up.

This was such a big deal that the entire Council would be there the next day. Lilia grew worried for her mate. He was about to be poked and prodded by a bunch of strangers, and if word accidentally spread, both their lives would be in danger.

She hadn't seen her mother and aunt in at least twenty-four hours, which was the longest she'd gone without seeing them since they arrived. It had her nerves on edge.

"Let's all get some rest," it seemed like today was going to go exactly like the day before, "and we'll meet with the Council midday tomorrow." Alpha Blaton rubbed his mates back in comfort.

At least Lilia wasn't the only one that was stressed.


Thanks for reading :)

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