Chapter 26

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Things are about to get crazy!


Despite his ripped-open abdomen, Lev's Lycan appeared stronger than ever before.

He easily towered to the ceilings and continued to grow. Lev's back pushed into the ceiling as he glared at the doctors and snarled, his spit and slobber dripping onto their heads.

"No one leaves the room," Councilwoman Longworth shouted. Even the Council backed up and cowered in fear. "not until we figure out what that is."

Lev walked loudly, more like stomping, over to Lilia. In her unconsciousness she was oblivious as to what was happening to the rest of the room. He turned and gave the doctors another loud, warning snarl before dropping his body around Lilia.

Alpha Blaton grabbed his mates hand and moved towards the glass divider now that Lev seemed to have calmed down. He had already been larger than both Alphas when he arrived at the pack, but now he wouldn't be able to shift inside the house.

It would be a lot harder to keep him a secret.

The Doctors turned their attention to the black mass on the table. Dr. Walahan raced around the room to look for a container to put it in. The first thing he found was a plastic Tupperware container.

Within a few seconds the plastic melted away and the substance tried to move off the table.

"It's got something to do with magic," Dr. Nylan spoke on the phone to everyone behind the mirror. Alpha Luke's phone was on speaker in the other room.

"That's impossible," spoke one of the Councilmen.

"I think we need to consider anything possible, Councilman," Alpha Blaton said. He wiped his forearm over his forehead, his face clearly showing his stress. "This man, Roman, he's human, yet he has lived over four centuries. How?"

"Magic," Councilman Jarold whispered.

"The magicians were killed long before the Lycans." Alpha Luke muttered.

"He must have escaped, just as Lev was the only one left." The room fell into silence.

"I don't know what to do about this thing," Dr. Nylan shouted. "It may attack one of us, so we need to come up with a solution now!"

"We need to find a way to contain it," Councilwoman Longworth thought aloud.

"Perhaps," it seemed as though Alpha Blaton was searching for words to use, "it is no werewolf, but perheaps because it's lived inside of one silver will be rather poisonous to it."

"It's worth a try. I will run and speak with the blacksmith. He can tell us how long it will be." Alpha Luke scurried out of the room.

"For now, we will have to monitor this thing constantly. Dr. Walahan and I will take turns watching and maintaining it," Dr. Nylan said.

"Is there anything you all will need? Anything at all?" Councilman Danheart asked through the phone.

"Toiletries, food...Alpha Blaton, is your pack able to sustain Lev's stomach?" Dr. Walahan muttered.

"We should be able to, but I'll talk to the head Chef about it. We still need to keep this as much of a secret as we can."

The Council said a few parting words and started to leave the room.

"Books," Alpha Blaton heard in his head. He tripped while distracted and fell forward, his hands coming out to catch him.

"What the hell?" He muttered, rubbing his head.

Taken and Trained ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz