Chapter 12

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I really enjoyed writing this one and am really enjoying the next chapter as well. :)


Lilia rushed back into the cave the fastest she'd ever moved before.

She doesn't see him at first. Her eyes search the den, landing on a lump underneath the cloths. Another wail comes out from the lump along with some movement.

She swallowed, her throat trying to close up and took a few steps closer to the lump.

"Le—," she stutters, swallowing again, "Lev?"

The shuffling stopped. Lilia took another step.

A dark brown cloth shifted reveal unruly, greasy brown hair.

He'd done it!

Lilia ran towards the pile and dropped to her knees before him. She moved more pieces of cloth to uncover his face. The beard on his face reached past his shoulders and the hair on his bare chest was way overgrown, but his eyes—Lilia had never seen eyes like that before.

In the darkness of the cave they glowed dark brown and squinted at her for a moment. Lev tried to sit up but it seemed like his limbs wouldn't listen to him. It was clear that he didn't know how to move at all.

"Calm down, calm down," she tried to hold his face between her hands, but he pulled away, "everything is alright." His rushed, panicked movements stopped soon after except his eyes blinking like crazy.

Lilia laughed, tears slowly slipping down onto his face. He flinched in surprise when they started hitting him.

"You did it!" His eyes searched hers, smiling slightly when he heard her happy voice. She sniffled, tried to stop the tears from falling, and moved to sit closer to him.

He moaned, frustrated that he couldn't move any of his limbs.

"We're gonna start with "yes," or "no," first, alright? Let's get that arm moving." Lilia moved his arm up and down, relaxing the muscle and getting it used to the movements. She tried not to blush at the tense muscles in his arms.

After about an hour, Lev was able to weakly hold up his thumb for a second. Lilia had to look quick or she'd miss it.

"Wait," Lilia thought aloud, "Roman doesn't know you shifted."

A thumb up from Lev.

"We need to go. Now," Lilia said angrily, only to realize that if he couldn't move any of his limbs, he couldn't do anything close to running. After only a few seconds of seeing his human form, she was going to have to help him shift back.

"You have to shift back in order to get us out of here," she said quietly. She thinks it's about to be sunrise...if so, Roman would yell at Lev for training any second now.

Shifting back to his wolf form was easy because he could already imagine what he looked like.

Soon enough, Lev's wolf form was licking the side of her face and jumping around, happy to be moving again.

"Are you okay with leaving now? This isn't what life is supposed to be like, Lev. They've brainwashed you," Lilia told him. The begging in her voice hadn't gone unnoticed. Lev and seen just how thin she'd gotten and her skin wasn't even warm was always cold. Wasn't it supposed to be warm?

What was he supposed to believe? The savage wolf deep inside of him fought to be next to her instead of outside, and it concerned him. Every since he could remember the wolf inside of him fought to be outside of Roman's clutches.

Taken and Trained ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang