Chapter 5

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Hi guys! I've finished story planning this book all the way through the epilogue, and I'm really excited to get these chapters written! I hope you guys enjoy.


Lilia didn't remember finishing the rabbit.

When she woke her stomach was full and there were bones on the ground, which probably meant she'd eaten the rabbit completely before passing out from exhaustion. Her mate was sleeping behind her, and to her relief she was no longer cold. In fact, instead of being cold, she was scalding. The part of her body touching her mate was sweating immensely. She winced and pealed her body from his.

The wolf awoke immediately and growled at the movement at the front of the cave. Lilia's wolf form froze at her mate's growl, thinking there was danger nearby. When he noticed it was only her he relaxed.

She made her way towards the wolf, rubbing up against it's side until she finally settled beside it again. Lilia began to groom him to return the favor of last night, and the wolf simply laid back and relaxed. Lilia felt honored that her mate would be so relaxed in her presence.

It was warm out, she noticed, so she entered the depths of the cave once again and made her way to where her dress was laying one the ground. One glance at her mate was all it took for him to turn around and give Lilia privacy. She couldn't help but grin once in her human form.

After sliding the dress on she tapped him on the head slightly. He turned to face her, but didn't move. She frowned and motioned towards the entrance of the cave. The wolf simply blinked at her.

Lilia wanted him to shift.

"Um...could you...could you shift back?" She sputtered nervously. She had asked the wolf this question already, but was yearning for a different answer.

The wolf shook his head. Lilia huffed and looked at her surroundings.

"You can understand me?" She asked. A part of her was beginning to doubt the wolf was ever even part human. She shuddered at the thought of having a mate with no human side. The wolf nodded back at her. He cocked his head in confusion, looking her up and down, and she wondered what he could possibly be thinking about her. Would he be pleased?

How would she ever know?

Her mate stalked past her and towards the entrance of the cave. She followed him, curious to where they would go next, before stopping just short of his tail. He had sat down again. She refrained from muttering a curse and moved to stand in front of him.

"What are we waiting for?" She asked. She realized with disdain that he was a member of the pack that had been attacking other packs, but maybe they had a reason for it. Maybe, just maybe, they weren't as evil as everyone made them out to be...she hoped.

The wolf ignored her and continued to look around. The area outside the cave they had stayed in was very rocky. Multiple caves and large, natural rock structures surrounded them. Entranced by her mate the night before, Lilia must not have realized how daunting the area was. She was warm, yet her surroundings sent a shiver down her spine.

She wasn't so sure she wanted to leave the cave now. Her mate had other plans. He stood on all four legs and used his large head to push her towards his left hind leg. She got the message and swung a leg over his back to straddle him before he began to run. The wolf was extremely watchful as he exited the gave and began to dash on the gravel-like rocks, then through thick foliage.

Lilia whimpered and questioned her choice to shift into her human form when she felt thin, prickly branches slamming into her limbs. Her mate came to an almost complete stop when he heard her small cry. He quickly slid her off of his back and stood on his two hind legs. She could only watch in awe as he began to walk on his two back legs and wrap his paws around her. Shielding her, Lilia's mate quickly made his way through the vegetation and she couldn't feel a single thing.

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