Chapter 18

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I'm slowly starting to write more in this story and I'm getting excited about you guys reading it! Let me know what you think. :)


Johanna was lifting Kate from the car into a wheelchair when she yelled.

Lev whined and nudged her several times until she was a little more stable. Someone was wheeling Kate towards them and Johanna took the opportunity to sprint towards them.

Because Lilia was in such a fragile state, Lev was going to protect her. Someone sprinting at her was not going to hurt her. His snarl almost sent Johanna to the floor in order to stop in time.

"No," Lilia sobbed, reaching forward, "Aunt Johanna." She reached past Lev and pulled her Aunt Johanna into a hug. They were both sobbing, and were soon joined by Kate. Lilia leapt away from Alpha Luke's arms and onto her mothers lap.

They hugged and sobbed for a few minutes until Alpha Blaton ushered everyone inside. The driver, unknown to Lilia, unloaded the car and then drove away.

She couldn't believe it...they were actually here.

"I've missed you, thank the Goddess," Kate pulled away and ran her eyes over her daughter to really ensure that she was alright. Lilia did the same to her mother, then to Johanna.

"I'm alright, mom, I promise. How are you feeling?" Lilia began to worry. Her mother needed to be resting at all times, so the several car rides must not have felt good.

"Everything is fine, Lilia. I would rather not worry about it tonight." Lilia could tell her mother was getting tired, so she stood up to move her when her mother's hand stopped her.

"Alphas," Kate said loudly. Lilia moved her closer to Alpha Blaton and Alpha Luke so she could talk to them.

"Yes, ma'am," Alpha Blaton responds. Alpha Luke sticks his hand out to shake hers.

"I-I can't thank you enough for all you've done," she stutters through her tears. Both Alphas shake their heads with similar smiles.

"As we've been telling your daughter, it's the least we could do."

"Thank you, thank you," Johanna repeated. She pulled Lilia into another, tight hug.

"Lilia," Alpha Luke caught her attention, "we cleared the room to the left of yours, they're more than welcome to stay in there."

"If you need anything else, Lilia should know what to do, but don't be afraid to knock on the suite, okay?" Alpha Blaton asked and assured. The Alpha's Suite was the separate sort of penthouse, attached to the pack house, that the leader of the pack lived in.

"Thank you so much," Lilia repeated. They gave the Alphas a small bow and the two left for the evening.

"Let's get to the rooms, we can get more privacy," Lilia murmurs. She didn't realize that other people had been in the room with them. Lilia wheeled her mother to her first-floor room, complete with two queen beds, a bathroom, amongst other necessities.

She smiled at the luggage that had already been brought to the room, and offered help unpacking. The pair said they would be alright, so Lilia and Johanna helped Kate into different clothing, and then into bed.

"I'm so happy to see you," Kate said, becoming teary-eyed again. Lilia sniffled back her tears and held her mother's hand.

"Don't you have someone to introduce us to?" Aunt Johanna gave Lilia her most devious smirk.

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