Chapter 6

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I'm trying to stay positive, but I'm not the biggest fan of my writing in this chapter. I am looking forward to writing Chapter 7, so we'll see how that turns out! Thanks for reading :).


Lilia was lucky her mate was the warmest thing she'd ever felt.


It was almost uncomfortable, leaning towards hot, yet it wasn't keeping her completely warm. The wind harshly blowing across her back was enough for her whole body to erupt in shudders. Her mate stopped in concern, but she urged him to continue. Lilia just wanted to be somewhere warm.

She only lasted about twenty minutes more.

Her legs began to shake first, and she dealt with it, but Lilia had to tap her mate's head to stop him when her hands shook beyond control. As his large body lowered to the ground to allow her to get off, she noticed she could see her breath inn front of her.

Lilia's legs gave out with a loud, wheezing cough. Her mate was immediately by her side. He nudged her body softly to get her attention and let out a loud yelp when she fell to the ground. She curled in on herself to gather as much warmth as possible. It wasn't working.

She weakly reached for her mate with a shaking hand. There was no hesitation from him when he wrapped his furry body around hers for warmth. Her shivers stopped a minute later but her hands continued to shake. The male grunted and tried to find a way for them to continue.

This would have to be the place they stopped for the night.

He had been trained not to sleep, so he had no problem keeping his eyes trained on their surroundings. He would die before his mate was hurt, and he knew it was practically impossible to kill him.

He hadn't been trained to die. It wouldn't be happening.

A small grunt, then a whimper from his mate had his attention immediately on her. The shivers had begun again. The large wolf licked the tiny human's arms to warm her up. His head rubbed against her body until the shivers stopped again.

He lost track of how long the shivers started and stopped. Lilia awoke with a small shiver, then jumped as her arm received a long like from a rough, scratchy tongue. Her eyes drifted towards her mate and she smiled. The wolf didn't notice she had awoken, so she silently watched as he groomed his mate.

"Thank you," she murmured. Her mate startled and stood with a growl. His lips curled then dropped back to their normal state once Lilia let the giggles slip past her lips. He huffed a paced in circles around her until she got dizzy watching him.

"How much longer?" Lilia questioned. She blushed and looked towards the ground with the realization that he wouldn't be able to answer her. His paw lightly touched her side then pointed to himself.

"You? What about you?" She wondered aloud. Lilia really wished he would shift back, because she was beginning to feel dumb with the way she had to guess what he was trying to say.

He brushed her hair roughly with his paw and pointed towards himself again.

" hair? Why did you tough my hair?" She just felt worse and worse with each guess. It was clear her mate was getting frustrated with each wrong answer.

He did the same thing as before, and now Lilia could feel her frustration growing as well.

"I'm just...I'm just going to shift so I can warm up a little before we take off," she said defeatedly. She looked up at her mate to ask him to turn around only to find him jumping in circles around her. His tongue was hanging out of the side of his mouth and his eyes were alight with happiness.

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