Chapter 4

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Hey everyone! Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoy reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it!


As soon as the wolf stepped out of the cage, he released an ear-piercing snarl that caused many to scream out in pain.

Lilia, however, remained unaffected.

Her eyes stayed on the wolf, his back arched and his fur standing straight up. She felt shivers run down her spine when he turned and made eye contact with her. It seemed like time had stood still. Everyone was still on the ground clutching their ears, including her Alpha, his guards, and her family. Lilia was saddened that her mother and aunt had to go through this, but they would be alright.

Her plan would follow through.

When Lilia first noticed the wolf was her mate, fear froze her body. She couldn't do anything but stare at him until a plan formed in her head. A plan to escape her chosen mate. If Lilia somehow was able to let the wolf escape, he would hopefully take her and run far, far away. Alpha Howie couldn't blame Lilia or her family because leaving had been against Lilia's will. That was her plan. It would save both her and her family.

There were a few setbacks, but everything would be alright now.

Or so she hoped.

The wolf took one step towards her, then two, then three, until it was sprinting full speed towards her body. That was when fear froze her body again. She really hadn't thought this through. This wolf was a killing machine and Lilia hadn't thought about literally dying. All of this fear ran through her so quickly she almost passed out, yet at the same time, she felt oddly at peace.

When Lilia focused her eyes on the wolf, her mind and body calmed down abruptly. Her body swayed and she fell to the ground just in time for the wolf to run underneath her. His large, muscular form lifted her off the ground and sprinted away as fast as he could.

Lilia was so full of relief and relaxation she could have laughed. She knew this wasn't the time for it, so she held back. The wolf's muscles looked hard on the outside, but as Lilia was finding out, he was actually very soft. The only reminder she had of him running was the wind violently ripped her hair back and forth.

"Stop them!" She could hear Alpha Howie bellowed. The thundering of paws surrounded her, but she wasn't worried. She trusted her mate to get her out of here. It was her only option. "You'll never get away," he seethed in her head. Her body tensed and she could tell her soulmate felt it, because he released a roar that she was sure shook the trees around them. The wolves from her pack fell back a little bit, but were soon trying to catch up. Lilia ran her hand down her mate's side to calm him down a little.

"Get us out of here," she whispered frantically, "Now." She didn't think her mate could run any faster—she was just trying to be supportive while lying limp on his back—but the surface of his back got harder and soon she felt like she was flying.

The sound of footsteps fell behind them until a few minutes later they completely faded away.

"Thank you," Lilia panted. She was exhausted despite not doing any of the work her mate was doing. The border came into view, and Lilia tried to twist and turn until she was straddling her mate's back. He released a purr that didn't match his stature, and she found herself laughing.


Worry came to her slightly when her mate didn't even slow down. He burst across the border, ripping the bond to her pack from Lilia's chest without a backwards glance. She gasped for breath, clutching the wolf's fur tightly. Her mate slowed down considerably once her pack's border was out of sight, but he was still going faster than she'd liked.

Taken and Trained ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon