Chapter 40

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Last chapter! I'm trying not to cry :(


"It's good to see you up, mom," Lilia murmured.

Rogan, once he had heard what happened to her, stayed with her and helped her through physical therapy. Her mom was in her wheelchair again, but Rogan was carrying her most of the time.

Lilia was happy her mom had found someone to love her.

She tightened her hand around Lev's and pulled him back to their room. She just wanted to relax with him now that everyone had settled down.

"What are we going to do with all of this free time?" Lilia asked him. She was tucked underneath Lev's arm as his hand sifted through her hair.

"I don't know...should I get a job?" Lev asked. Lilia lifted her head up and stared at him in confusion.

"Who brought that up?"

"Alpha Blaton," Lev murmured. "He said their Beta is leaving the pack to be with his family overseas..."

"Lev! That's incredible!" Lilia sat up quickly and sat over him roughly. A pained grunt left Lev's lips before he smiled at her. He seemed actually excited about the job.

"Do you know what it entails? It's a lot of work," Lilia brought up. Lev's smile slowly fell. "Not that I don't think you can do it! You can! It will just keep you busy."

"I think I want to accept," Lev murmured. "He needs all the help he can get with Alpha Luke."

Lilia frowned sadly and brought her mate into a hug. Both her and Lev had managed to get through the fight without life-threatening injuries, but Alpha Luke wasn't so lucky.

His cerebrum was damaged, a part of the brain that controlled movement, touch, taste, language...pretty much everything in the body. The entire pack was thankful to the Moon Goddess when he woke up a week and a half after the attack.

Alpha Blaton stayed with him, putting the pack on the backburner to help his mate learn to walk, eat, and talk again. Alpha Luke's spirit is contagious, though, so the entire pack has been cheering him on.

With Alpha Luke focusing on recovery, Alpha Blaton focusing on Alpha Luke, and the Beta of the pack moving, there was no one to take care of the pack. It would fall apart in weeks.

"I would be happy to be Beta Female," Lilia grinned. She gave him a quick kiss and asked if they could talk to Blaton now.

They walked down the hall hand in hand to the medical wing where Alpha Blaton was feeding his mate lunch.

"Hello, Alphas," Lilia murmured quietly. Blaton looked over at them with a smile.

"How are you doing?" Lev asked the injured Alpha.

"Better...mentally and physically better," Alpha Luke answered. He could only speak with his mind, but he could still communicate. That was all that matters.

"Lev wanted you to know that he has accepted the position of Beta," Lilia said with pride. She was so happy Lev who was taking a chance and going to make a change.

"Really? That's great, Lev." Alpha Blaton stood to shake his hand. "You'll do great."

"Thank you," Lev said to them. They chatted a bit more before leaving Alpha Luke to rest. Alpha Blaton agreed to start showing Lev the ropes the next day. They were planning to announce it in about a week.

"Everything seems to be falling into place, except that wizard," Lilia scoffed.

"I heard from Rogan that he's been completely compliant...not the sharpest tool in the box, though."

Lilia giggled at Lev's words and wrapped her arm around his. They stopped back at their room to pick up a book for Lilia and a small blanket to rest on. She had started planning a picnic for them this morning so they could both relax; Lilia with a book, and Lev in his Lycan form.

She only grabbed food for herself, Lev would need to hunt several animals to fill his stomach.

"Hop on," Lev shifted and crouched down. He already had a place in mind for their afternoon. She slowly lifted herself onto his back and giggled as he trotted a few miles into the woods.

They settled a few moments later on the ground, Lilia on her blanket resting her head against one of Lev's large paws. There was quiet a bit of silence, peacefulness filling the air except when Lev left to hunt.

Lilia chuckled, memories playing in her mind of the first few days after he had taken her from her old pack. Lev was hunting while she rested to the side.

Lilia was glad she could look back at that memory with happiness.

It had all ended well.

Lilia and Lev had grown a bit more intimate, as well. They were both learning and in no rush at all. It was nice to be completely relaxed in the mate-bond.

Johanna was doing well, and it filled Lilia's heart to the brim with happiness. She couldn't be more thankful that her family was doing well in this pack...after all, it was Lilia's fault they were in this pack in the first place.

Johanna was climbing up the ranks as a strong and loyal warrior. In their old pack, women could only dream of fighting for their pack.

It was an honor for Johanna.

Lilia was still looking for a way to help the pack. There were plenty of jobs available and she wanted to try them all before choosing what to do with her life.

Maybe she'd teach, or assist in the kitchen—even though she had never really cooked before—she didn't know. Lilia was curious and hopeful about her future, both with the pack and with Lev

Lev. He had come so far since his days...centuries...with Roman. He was so strong, so brave to get through it and working as the Beta of the pack now? She couldn't imagine it.

Though he was taken at a young age and trained as a mercenary, he was now her Lev.

Lilia's Lev...taken, trained, but happy.



I can't believe it! I really hope you enjoyed this.

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