Chapter 29

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Thanks for reading! Hope you guys enjoy this chapter.


"The mass is unable to escape from the silver box," Alpha Blaton announced in the conference room the next morning.

Alpha Blaton and Alpha Luke had been truly shocked when they saw Lev's human form. He had easily grown almost a foot taller than before and now towered over both Alphas. He was clearly stronger than them too.

The Council was in awe. Every one of them had witnessed the size of his Lycan and they were more excited than anything.

"Both doctors were able to get some rest last night, and they'll be doing tests on it the mass all day. When the Council leaves, they'll be taking it with them. Council, do you have any new information?" Alpha Luke questioned.

"Our investigators infiltrated the June pack two days ago," Councilman Jarold cleared his throat. "We've confirmed the accusations and should be making the arrest today. Howard will be stripped of his title and put in prison with the Council."

"Thank you," Lilia sighed in relief. Lev tightened his grip on her hand. He hadn't heard much of her situation in her old pack but just the thought of that man trying to force his mating on Lilia made him so livid he could barely stay seated.

"Lev, do you think the Council's army could handle going against Roman's pack? Does he have any more Lycans?" Councilman Danheart questioned.

"I was the strongest warrior by far," Lev answered through Lilia's head. She repeated his answer to the council. "How big is the Council's army?"

"About two thousand warriors," Councilwoman Longworth answered shortly. Lilia gasped loudly at the size. Alpha Howie's pack was one of the largest packs in North America and he only had about seventy-five warriors.

"I will fight," Lev snarled in Lilia's head, causing her to flinch in her seat. "I will slaughter that man if it's the last thing I do."

"I think that means yes," Lilia answered tentatively. Lev was vibrating with rage in his seat.

"We need a positive answer, Lev. We need to be sure before we go to war. How many wolves does he have?"

"We will win if I fight. He has more warriors than the Council," he murmured to Lilia. She looked at him in surprise.

"He said Roman has more warriors than the council," Lilia whispered.


"Impossible," one of the councilmen scoffed.

"2,384 warriors." Lilia gasped at the words in her head. Lev tightened his grip on her hand. "2,383 without me."

"They have almost twenty-four hundred warriors," she said aloud.

"How do they have so many?" Councilman Danheart asked in astonishment.

"If they've been harvesting wolves for years it makes sense. What if—"Lilia swallowed a lump down her throat, "what if he's been using whatever magic he used with Lev to keep them alive? To brainwash them?"

"My god," Councilwoman Longworth whispered, "this is much more serious than I thought. We don't want to massacre innocent wolves."

"Think on it," Alpha Blaton murmured. The stress in the room was so thick Lilia thought she would choke on it. "I will keep you updated on the results of the tests."

The Council left first and Lilia and Lev followed far behind.

"I can't believe him," Lilia muttered softly as they walked back to their room.


"Roman. Who else? He's insane." She opened the door and Lev sat on the bed and took a deep breath.

"Stay here," Lilia suddenly remembered, "I forgot to ask the Alphas a question." She rushed back to the room and blushed again when she burst through the door to see Alpha Blaton and Alpha Luke locking lips.

"Sorry," she whispered. They both cleared their throat and stood tall. "Is there a place for Lev to shift? We can't go outside in case people see him."

"Maybe...maybe the gym?" Alpha Luke directed his question to his mate.

"That sounds good. I'll let the pack know that the gym will be closed for about an hour a day. The Council wants to inform the pack of Lev's existence, Lilia. They plan on asking you tomorrow," Alpha Blaton said.

"As long as Alpha Howie is gone, I don't see a problem. I feel good about our odds against Roman," she muttered. "I want to kick his ass."

"I'm sorry, Lilia," Alpha Luke apologized for laughing, "I've just never heard you speak like that."

"Lev has lived in pain for over four centuries by having to hide his Lycan. I want him down," she murmured angrily. Alpha Blaton gave her a small, confident smile.

"We'll get him," Alpha Blaton said. "I can call on allies. They will all want to take him down."

"Thank you," Lilia said. "I could never, ever thank you enough."

"Stop thanking us!" Alpha Luke jokingly scolded.

"I'll go join Lev, let me know what time the gym will be closed."

"No problem. Have a good night," Alpha Blaton dismissed. Lilia closed the door as they leaned in to kiss again. How could they do that in such a public place?

When she got back to her room Lev was trying to take his shirt off but got completely tangled with his arms.

"Do you need help?" Lilia giggled. He groaned in response. Her fingers grasped the edge of his shirt and pulled straight up, finally untangling his arms.

Lilia tried not to stare too long at his chest...she'd never seen anything like it. His chest was wide and thick and ripples moved up his body whenever he moved his arms. She gulped as she trailed down to look at the divots in his abdomen.

He really was sculpted by the Goddess.

"Do you want pajamas?"


How was it possible that his voice had gotten deeper? Did that happen because of his Lycan too? This was all too much for Lilia, who hadn't received any male touch or attention all of her life.

"Let me at least get you pajama pants, I—ah!"

"What?" he asked in her mind. She had turned around to face him and he had somehow silently taken his pants off.

"Put these on," she held out the pants Alpha Blaton had given her and then turned back around.

"There is no reason to be embarrassed, mate," Lev murmured. He sounded genuinely confused and Lilia forgot that he didn't really know what was acceptable.

"In this world, mates don't see each other naked until know," she murmured quietly. Lilia quickly looked through the dresser drawers for her pajamas.

"I don't know. What are you talking about?" Lev asked. Lilia pressed her palms to her extremely warm cheeks.

"Ask Alpha Blaton or Dr. Walahan...not me." She rushed into the connected bathroom and took her time changing.

It was going to be strange sleeping with him. She didn't mind, not at all, but she had been used to hugging a ball of fur every night...well, his chest—Lilia cut off her own thoughts with a shake of her head.

"Goodness Goddess," she murmured, continuing to hold her palms to her cheeks.

"What am I going to do?"


Hope you all enjoyed :)

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