Chapter 8

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Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait. I'm currently writing three books and planning for a whole six book school. I'll try to get better! 


Lev didn't understand at all what he had to do with the little wolf. Screams of the lives he'd taken away constantly floated around his mind, and they'd gone on for so long he couldn't remember what silence sounded like.

When he was even near her, they stopped. Instantly.

Lev was always taught control, and never once had it broken. He always had control over himself, despite being ninety-percent wolf. He was told he had a human side, but had yet to see it.

He lost control the moment he saw her. Why? He couldn't figure it out. Lev was waiting for the idiotic man to let him out of the cage before he attacked. It was fun to surprise a coward. He knew he had to get back to his pack quickly, or Roman would be mad. Lev hadn't had a punishment in a while.

When he made eye contact with her through the bars of the cage, something in him snapped. It felt like he'd been kicked so hard it knocked all of the air out of his body, but in the best way possible. Did that even make sense? He couldn't decide.

It wasn't difficult to escape the cage, especially when that asshole had his hands on her. Then it was over. That man was lucky he wasn't dead. Lev just wanted to figure out what was going on. He wanted to know why he needed this girl...needed to protect her, watch her, take care of her...he really didn't know.

He disliked it at first. His mate was a small thing—weak, tired, and always cold. Her skin would be freezing when he touched it, but she could only communicate in her human form. He felt bad he couldn't really do anything to make her warmer.

By the end of their journey, his protectiveness had turned into a different emotion. He didn't know what it was, and it just added to his list of frustrations. Arriving at his pack was a happy moment for him until Roman arrived.

He had never seen Roman act anything but put powerful all his life. When he saw the man looking scared as the little wolf tripped over herself, he wanted to hide her beneath him again. Why was he scared of her?

Oscar, Roman's second in command, was also surprised to see Lev had another wolf with him. Neither of them bothered to hide their shock or fear, but apparently they looked intimidating to the little wolf. She was shaking before he'd even brought her inside.

She hung limply from his mouth, simply looking at all of the warriors inside their dens. Lev felt a burst of pride at the thought of his den. Because he was the best warrior in the pack, he got the best den. It was so large that it took over a minute to reach the very inside depths of the cave.

He carefully set her down on the floor and watched her curl up into a little ball, her clothing forgotten outside the compound. Someone had probably burned it to get rid of the scent.

He nudged her with his nose to assure he'd be back and then left the den to head towards room twenty two. It was a large room with grass flooring, beige walls, and...there was usually a lot of wolves. Sometimes the whole pack could fit in there, but that was only for the most important announcements.

They were all there and waiting for him when he arrived, and while he was wondering why they were all there they all began to walk past him and out of the room. What was going on?

"Lev, get in here," Roman commanded him. Lev complied with the orders immediately and sat patiently in front of him. Roman sat on his big red chair that signaled his position in the pack. "Do you know why you're here?" He asked. Lev simply shook his head.

"Do you know what a mate is, Lev?" Once again Lev shook his head. He had never heard that word before. "Do you have any feelings towards the wolf?" Lev cocked his head in confusion.

"Never mind this meeting, Lev. Tomorrow I'd like you to complete the training you missed while you were gone. Understood?" Roman asked. Lev nodded. "Dismissed."

Lev trotted back to his den. He wanted to get back to the little wolf quickly and he just wished he could understand why. When he got back, he howled in a way he never had before. The little wolf was on the ground shaking so much he would have thought that earth was having an earthquake.

When he nudged her, she wouldn't open her eyes...what was wrong? What was going on? He soon heard footsteps run into the room and gasp. Lev turned around to see Roman, a few other men, and their doctor. Lev snarled when he noticed how close they were to the wolf. Roman motioned for everyone to take a step back.

"Lev, she has hypothermia," Roman said in the gentlest voice Lev had ever heard. Each one of them understood that when it came to Lev's mate, they would all lose against him. "She was probably out in the elements too long and your den is too cold for her...we need to help her before she dies, Lev."

This time Lev snarled and took a step towards him. They took another step back.

"Lev, this is up to you! You can either let us help her, or she dies!" Roman shouted. He couldn't even imagine what Lev would do if the small wolf died. It was the first time Roman had been scared his entire life.

Lev looked between his mate and his pack...he then curled around her and nodded for them to come forward. He snarled when they all moved. Lev only wanted the doctor. Understanding the message, the doctor slowly made his way to the little wolf. Lev rumbled his chest so the doctor would understand not to make any sudden moves.

"Sir," he addressed Roman, "we'll have to move her. What should we do?"

"Explain it to him," Roman told him. The doctor cleared his throat.

"Lev, we need to move her to the medical den. You can carry her, but we need to move now," The man mumbled. He scrambled backwards when Lev stood, his chest still rumbling. He picked her up by the back of her neck and nudged the doctor towards the door. Everyone raced down the hall, Lev's large paws thumping ahead of them.

The doctor skidded into a small room and motioned for Lev to lay her on the bed. Strange people tried to enter the room, but Lev's growl stopped them. They fidgeted at the door, unsure of what to do.

"Those are the nurses, they're here to help," the doctor begged. The nurses quietly entered the room and got to work. Lev kept his nose touching some part of her body at all times...they weren't going to take her away from him.

He didn't know why he was feeling like this, but at this exact moment he didn't care. Her life was on the line. He could hear the doctor giving orders to the nurses, but he tuned them out. Lev's ears focused on the sound of her heartbeat. He would make sure it never stopped.

Two hours later and everyone had left except the doctor. He wiped the sweat off his brow and motioned his hand to Lev tiredly.

"Wrap her in your wolf form, Lev, and she should be awake by tomorrow." Without hesitation Lev jumped on the bed next to the little wolf. The doctor winced when the bed creaked under Lev's wait, but didn't say anything on his way out of the room.

Just being in the same room as Lev felt like his life was at risk.

Lev was genuinely surprised when the little wolf woke up tomorrow morning. He knew she was small and got sick easily, so he had predicted another day before she woke up. He carefully waited to see what she would do, and felt a pleased feeling run through him when she just burrowed deeper into his fur.

He could ask questions later.


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