Chapter 28

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I'm getting more and more excited about writing this book, but I'm sort-of losing track of what to write besides battles! 

PLEASE let me know if there's any scenes you want to see!


"Okay, now lift it up—good, now close it!"

Dr. Nylan snapped the lid shut and it closed with a loud, resounding bang.

"Is everyone alright?" he asked in a tired voice. Lev dropped Lilia's shirt from his mouth and rubbed her chest with his head. He tried his best not to push her over while doing so.

"Fine," Lilia answered in a clipped tone. She stepped away from Lev's grasp.

"We're just going to stay in here a little while longer to make sure it doesn't escape," Dr. Walahan said loudly to the people viewing behind the glass. Everyone gave a sigh of relief.

The doctors both collapsed onto their little stools and heaved sighs of relief. Lilia plopped back down into her pile of blankets and ignored Lev to pick up the book she had been reading. The room rumbled as he laid back down and softly placed his head on her lap.

"I'm mad at you," Lilia murmured. His ears perked and he lifted his head to look her in her eyes. What? Why was she mad at her?


"You shouldn't have pulled me back," Lilia fought to not give in to his cute, serious stare.

"I will always protect you at all costs," Lev swore, "I'm still learning about what mates are, but I know I will never allow anything to ever hurt you."

"It was after you, Lev. It wouldn't have hurt me," Lilia scoffed. Lev crawled to cuddle closer to her.

"It would have hurt you to move you out of the way," he explained gently.

"Fine," she said aloud, attracting the attention of the doctors, "I just...I didn't want you to get hurt again."

"Nor I you," he whispered. Lilia put down her book and wrapped her arms around his large neck to cuddle him.

"Let's do our tests now so we can get you guys out of here sooner," Dr. Walahan said with a small, sympathetic smile.

Both Lilia and Lev had their blood taken and tested for any traves of the blob. There is an ancient test that shows traces of magic, but it hasn't been needed for centuries.

"Lilia, you're clean and good to go," Dr. Nylan said.

"So are you, Lev," his test results came a few minutes later, "you are going to have to shift to get out of here. I should have a wheelchair—yes, right over here."

Dr. Nylan moved to assist him and Lilia turned her back to give him privacy. She heard—and winced at—the loud breaking and snapping of bones and tried not to turn around when she heard gasps from both doctors.

"Can today be any stranger?" Dr. Walahan whispered.

"What's going on?"

"This is baffling!" A few moments passed.

"Hello?" Lilia begged silently for an answer.

"What's wrong?" she projected into Lev's mind to assure he was alright.

"I-I don't know," even Lev sounded astonished. Lilia was ready to close her eyes if he was still nude but needed to see if he was alright.

She turned to face him and gasped at the fact that he was standing. He was standing and moving his arms and legs around perfectly fine. A quick glance downward revealed he was still nude, and she quickly clenched her eyes shut and whirled back around.

"Can you dress him?" She asked with a deep blush forming on her cheeks.

"Sure, sure...sorry. It must be because of his Lycan form, right?" Dr. Nylan murmured.

"That has to be it, I'm sure. You're all set, Lev," Dr. Walahan responded. Lilia turned around and jumped onto Lev's back, squealing in happiness. He barely caught her without tumbling to the ground and both doctors' arms reached out to steady him.

"Easy there Lilia, he still needs to get used to the way his body works," Dr. Walahan laughed. Lilia sheepishly slid off of his back and grabbed his hand.

"Let's go surprise mom and Aunt Johanna," she said with a smile. Everything was falling into place! Lev walked clumsily down the hall and she was patient with him, encouraging him quietly until they reached Kate and Johanna's room.

He didn't need to catch his breath take a break or anything! She was so impressed that his Lycan form had made his human form so much stronger. She gave him an encouraging smile and rapped her knuckles on the door.

Johanna, who had probably smelled Lilia's scent, rushed to open the door and gasped at the tall, large man that took up almost the entire doorway.

"Lev? Is that you?"

"Yeah," Lilia answered for him, wrapping her arm around his waist. He smiled at the contact.

"Come in, come in!" Johanna ushered them through the door. "How are you both out of there already? What happened?"

"Lilia! Thank the Goddess you're alright," Kate sighed in relief from her bed. She opened her arms to her daughter who was quick to rush around the room and into her arms.

"Lev," Kate gasped while holding Lilia, "that's Lev?"

"His Lycan form made his human form stronger," Lilia explained even though her words were muffled by her mom's shoulder.

"It's nice to see you up and moving," Johanna said and moved in for a hug. Lilia glanced at Lev's wide, unsure eyes.

"Hug her back," she whispered in his mind. His arms slowly came up and limply wrapped around her shoulders. Lilia couldn't hold back her giggle even though Lev glared at her.

"Come here," Kate demanded, pulling away from Lilia, "you'd better give me a better hug than that!" Lev walked over and Kate squeezed him in an extremely tight hug. He tried to do the same.

Lilia didn't know why her mother was so passionate about Lev. She always grew excited when he was in the room with her and Lilia had a feeling she'd be obsessed with Lev's Lycan form.

"How are you doing?" Kate asked him and pulled away from the hug.


"He said he's feeling good," Lilia answered for him. Both Kate and Johanna turned to her in confusion. "I can—we can mind link."

"You haven't..." Johanna trailed off in anticipation.

"No, we haven't done that yet," Lilia blushed again. She had never even come close to thinking about that. Usually mates were unable to mind link unless marked and mated, but she guessed her and Lev were a special case.

"It probably has to do with his Lycanthropy," Kate murmured. "Has he shifted into his original form yet?"

"Yes, but—"

"Well then let's see it!" Kate clapped excitedly.

"He's larger than this room," Lilia calmed Kate down. Her shoulders slumped but perked back up a second later.

"He's that large? The Lycan I saw was the size of this bed," Kate whispered. Aunt Johanna and Lilia both smiled at Lev.

"That's just another reason why he's special."


Sorry for the short-ish chapter! Hope you guys enjoyed.

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