Chapter 16

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Another update! I'm actually ahead of the game, so another update will come out shortly. Thanks for reading!


"What is it?"

"I'm no teacher but I absolutely love to teach...if you wanted help, I would be glad to!"

Lilia, besides just trying to teach him words, had no idea how to help Lev communicate. It seemed like Alpha Luke really wanted to help and he probably knew more than she did.

"As long as it's alright with Lilia," Doctor Walahan entered the conversation, "I can call a few of my associates both in other packs and the human world to ask for suggestions. Because his vocal cords have never been used, they're extremely fragile."

"Whatever works," Lilia sighed.

"I came to check on you guys and let you know that Jack got in contact with Alpha Blackwood last night." Alpha Luke watched Doctor Walahan leave the room and turned back to Lilia.


"My mate—the other Alpha, I'm sorry," Luke apologized. Lilia flushed a little in embarrassment but perked up at Alpha Luke's words.

"Is that why you go by Alpha Luke?"

"Yeah," they started the walk towards the office, "it got really confusing when we first found each other so I decided to just go by something else."

"When did you guys meet? Sorry," Lilia shook her head, "I don't mean to be intrusive."

"No, you're not at all. We met about three years ago. I used to be the Gamma of another pack and we were visiting to finish off some paperwork," Luke explained.

"Wow! You went from Gamma to Alpha, that sounds exciting," Lilia knew little-to-nothing about the higher-ups of the pack and it was something she loved to learn about.

"Lilia, Lev, it's good to see you again." Lilia didn't even realize they were talking and standing next to the door of the office. Alpha Blaton had opened the door and was smirking at his mate.

"Sorry," Alpha Luke blushed, "we got distracted."

"I know." Blayton's smirk got bigger and he turned to walk back into the room.

"How are you, Alpha?"

"I'm doing just fine, Lilia. Have a seat. Lev," he gave a small, respectful head tilt towards the wolf sitting next to Lilia. "I'm sure my mate has told you about Alpha Blackwood."

"Yes, he told us you'd heard from him but nothing more," Lilia's eyes drifted towards Lev. She just wanted to picture Lev and her family together, safe, and happy.

Alpha Blaton tried to pull Alpha Luke onto his lap, but the latter preferred to stand. Lilia looked away with a blush.

"He's confirmed the plan and is going to wait about a week or so before reaching out, so there's no suspicion."

"But—I've been gone for months, wouldn't there be no suspicion anyway?" Lilia questioned.

"We're taking every precaution necessary, Lilia," Alpha Luke assured, "just in case Roman ever decides to release your information." Lilia tried not to smirk at the grimace Luke had when he mentioned Roman's name.

Though they knew that little piece of information about him, no one else was able to find anything. It's like the man never existed.

"The plan sounds wonderful, Alpha. I can't thank you enough for your help and patience."

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