Chapter 7

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Hello everyone! It's been a while :). I'm finally back at school, where I get my inspiration from, but it's going to be a lot more stressful this year. We'll see where it goes! Excited to write Chapter 8 ;).


They spent another night in the wilderness.

Lilia didn't shift this time because she needed all the warmth she could get. She didn't particularly want to get sick with no doctors around. Her mate didn't exactly know of her condition.

He found a small cave for them and once again set her down behind a few rocks to go hunt. She shivered and burrowed more into her dress that wasn't so white anymore. Dirt and a little bit of blood looked like polka dots on the fabric.

When she spotted her mate again, he was carrying both a deer and two rabbits in his mouth. They ate quickly, him faster than her, and he nudged the second rabbit towards her when she was finished with her first one. She shook her head and he reluctantly wolfed down what she hadn't eaten.

They left again at dawn.

She hadn't slept much that night, and noticed her mate hadn't either. Had he slept at all the past few nights? She wished he could talk to her.

She was surprised when a few hours past noon a horrible stench filled her nose. Lilia's mate seemed unaffected, but she couldn't say the same about herself. She sneezed once and then gagged a few moments later.

Her mate, sensing her distress, set her down on the ground. His nose pushed one her body all over the place, looking for the reason she had been upset earlier. She gagged again and all her mate could do was nudge her and whine.

Lilia's throat felt like it was closing. She looked at her mate with wide eyes, worried it would affect him too. Wide eyes were reflected back at her as the whines continued. He rolled her onto her side and laid atop her to keep watch on the surroundings. It was all he could do, and he couldn't help the whines of guilt that escaped him.

She calmed down hours later and her mate let out a huff that suggested they get going. She tried to stand but her body collapsed immediately. Lilia's legs felt like she had run across the continent. Her mate stuck his head under her stomach and lifted her up only to place her back on her old, tattered white dress.

He wrapped it around her, and they were off again.

She stuck her nose deep into the fabric to try and block the smell, but it was no use. She still couldn't figure out why her mate wasn't affected.

Her ears perked up at the sound of metal hitting metal. Her mate didn't seem too bothered by it, so she didn't think she should be scared, but she was extremely curious as to what was making that sound.

Her questions were answered a few moments later.

The grass began to thin until they were walking on dirt before the trees opened up into a clearing. She squinted her eyes at the bright lights that turned on as soon as their presence was detected. Her mate stopped and calmly laid on the ground. He tucked her underneath his chin as she heard a door open in the distance.

She couldn't see anything past the bright lights.

Lilia flinched when footsteps of about fifty wolves neared her and her mate. She wondered why her mate was so calm all of the sudden. It didn't seem like he was going to jump to protect her should something happen. Her heart dropped.

They got closer and closer and Lilia got so scared she let out a loud yelp. The wolves stopped in their tracks, and she could hear them trying to scent who the intruders were. One of them let out a howl and some of the wolves retreated.

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