Bonus Chapter 3 (FINAL)

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Hello again! I've made a decisions regarding most of your comments. I have a GREAT idea for a second book (after decided I wasn't going to write it), and I have decided to leave it up to you.

I probably won't write the book if only a few people want a sequel, so I'm going to need some comments.

Comment HERE if you want a sequel!

It would be about Arthur, his potential mate, and more Lycans, if any of you are curious. Remember, without a lot of comments, it probably won't be written.

Thank you all so much!!


"Kat! Get down from there this instant!" Lilia shouted towards the top of a tree.

Her daughter was five years old with bigger muscles than her mother. Arthur was twelve and already growing grumpy and moody to his parents. He spent more of his time with Thea at the pack house than with his parents.

Katherine, on the other hand, wasn't a good listener. Lilia had sworn she was partially deaf once she started speaking, but a visit with Dr. Walahan had assured her that it wasn't true. Though named after Lilia's mother, Katherine only liked to listen to her father.

"Come outside, please," Lilia tiredly reached out to her mate. Lev was out not a minute later and joined Lilia beneath the large oak tree.

"Kat, come down her please," he said loudly. Their daughter peered down at them, climbed down a single branch, then continued to play with whatever was in her hands. "If you don't come down, you're not getting a bedtime story tonight."

Although a lie, the comment was able to bring her down a little farther.

"We'll go to the packhouse for ice cream after dinner," Lilia bargained. Kat climbed down further but managed to get her long hair stuck in a branch and wailed in pain. Without a word, Lev was launched into the tree and jumped from each branch like it was nothing. A few minutes of quiet coaxing brought both him and Katherine to the ground.

"Can we really go to the packhouse after dinner?" Kate asked while she threw out her arms and legs and begged to be put down onto the ground.

"We're going to have to go pick up your brother anyway," Lilia mumbled under her breath with a scowl. Lev set their daughter down and watched her run forward before turning to Lilia.

"Did he link?"

"Yeah. Told me he was staying at theirs for dinner then shut off our connection," Lilia grumbled. The damn kid wouldn't listen to her anymore.

"You know they're probably mates," Lev tried to coax and placed his hands on her cheeks.

Lilia pushed her mate's hands away and stepped back. "No one knows that! I don't want him to get his heard broken."

"Why else would they be so attached, hm? We have to let him make his own decisions," he whispered softly. Kat was nearing the edge of the forest they were in and rushed into the house as soon as it came into view. "If he gets his heart broken, we'll be right there by his side."

"His Lycan should have known by now," Lilia murmured.

"We don't know for sure. Let's have dinner then go meet him at the pack house, okay? Kate is dumping all of her toys onto her floor right now for some reason, so I'll go pick that up while you put food in front of her," Lev smirked. Kate was the most troublesome girl in the pack and everyone knew it.

"Oh Kat," Lilia sighed when Lev carried their daughter into the dining room with an apologetic smile. "You got into the markers?"

"No," Kat's purple lips promised. Lilia sat her down anyway and put tonight's meal in front of her. Lev was down a few minutes later and pressed a thankful kiss onto her lips before sitting down.

It took them over a half hour to get the purple off of her face before they were headed to the pack house. Sure enough, Thea and Arthur were relaxing on a hammock near the forest as they approached the house. Lev held onto Kat with one hand and Lilia with the next.

"If it isn't my favorite godchild," Alpha Luke cooed as soon as he saw them. He pulled Kat from her father's hands and gave her a raspberry on her stomach before holding her on his side. "I'm guessing you guys came for ice cream?"

Lev must have linked him on the walk there. Alpha Luke winked at them and took their daughter inside just as Alpha Blaton came out.

"How long have they been together?"

"Seven hours and counting," Alpha Blaton sighed as he checked his watch. "I'm terrified of what's going to happen if they're not mates."

"Me too," Lilia whispered. "I'm going to grab him and we'll get out of your hair."

"It's no problem. Good luck, though. We haven't been able to separate them for hours," Blaton warned. Lilia squared her shoulders and walked over to her son.

"Hey Thea," Lilia greeted as they made eye contact. The young girl waved at her before tucking her arm back around Arthur.

"Arthur, honey, time to go home," Lilia smiled softly. Arthur looked at Thea and had a conversation through their individual pack link before he carefully separated them and stood. He stretched, cracking a few of his bones, and following his mom back to Lev and Alpha Blaton. Shortly after, Alpha Luke exited with Kat and another ice cream cone which was handed to Arthur.

"See you tomorrow," Arthur waved and started walking back to the house. Lilia raised her eyebrows at him before saying her goodbyes and following after him. She managed to catch him in his pajamas brushing his teeth and asked if they could have a talk.

"Yeah," Arthur drawled suspiciously and spit his toothpaste into the sink.

"Tomorrow, I was thinking we could go visit Aunt Johanna. Maybe Nancy can make her famous pot roast," Lilia suggested.

"Can't. I'm going over to Thea's tomorrow," he said as he turned off the bathroom light. Lilia followed him to his room and leaned on the doorframe.

"Arthur, I really want you to spend some time with us. I understand that you and Thea are best friends, but there's no guarantee she's your mate," Lilia tried to explain. Arthur just scoffed and crawled under his covers, pulled his phone out and turned away from his mother.

"You don't know that," he muttered sadly. Lilia sat down next to him on his bed.

"Neither do you. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" Lilia asked. She sat for a moment and waited his response. Arthur turned around to face her and put his phone down with a sad look.



Please comment above if you want a sequel!!

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