Chapter 14

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Quarantine is making me so bored, but I still can't force myself to sit down and write. Once I do, though, I'm on a roll! 

Looking forward to writing next chapter. :)



"Aunt Johanna," Lilia sighed in relief.

"Kate! Oh, Kate! It's Lilia!"

"I'm safe, I'm okay," she turned back to Lev and smiled. He was the reason she was safe.

"Lilia, it's been months. Are you sure you're alright?"

"Months?" Lilia furrowed her brows. "How many months? What's today's date?"

"It's been three months, it's May 3rd now, Lilia...oh, I'm so glad you're alright. I'm going to put your mother on the phone."

Lilia waited a moment and stroked Lev's head a little.

"My child," her mother sobbed through the phone. Lilia immediately clenched the phone tighter to her ear.

"Don't cry, mother, I'm safe now. I can call you later, if you'd like? I have to get ready for dinner."

"Tell me where you are, where you're safe, I was so worried!"

"I can call you whenever you'd like, now, mom. I'm in the North Wood Pack."

"How did you end up all the way up there?" North Wood was pretty far from her pack.

"It's a long story, mom. I will call you back later?"

"Yes, yes, please. I love you," Kate sniffled.

"I love you too." Lilia placed the phone back in its holder and felt like the biggest weight in the world was taken off of her shoulders.

Lilia smiled at Lev and laid back down to rest for another moment. She could hardly believe that after all of this time she was on a bed and she was so happy she could cry. Her bed usually didn't make her cry.

Lev laid next to her with some part of his body touching hers, just as they had done it in his den. She felt somewhat bad for him. His whole life had changed and he was probably freaking out on the inside.

"Let's go wash up, hm?" Lilia forced herself not to get too comfortable and stood up before she fell asleep. Lev looked at her apprehensively before following the female into a strange room. The lights were almost too bright for his sensitive eyes and he skidded across the room when he saw a wolf identical to his in the room as well.

There was also another female who looked the exact same as the female he had been with all this time. He let his lips lift in a snarl and took a step towards the female to protect her in case this wolf tried to come near.

"Lev, it's the mirror," the female giggled. He didn't stop snarling. There was an unknown wolf in this room, and he was snarling too. Why was she not worried?

"Lev, it's alright, I promise! Look," the female—was her name Lilia? Touched the glass at the same spot where the other female was touching. This was so confusing!

"It's you, Lev, there's nothing to worry about." She pet his head and turned towards a large hole. Fresh water began to come out of a sprout in a loud noise that made him flinch. Lilia chuckled at him and reached for him.

Lev thought she might want to pet him, or rest on him, but when she got near him she tried to lift him. Why did she want to lift him? His brain started to spin, trying to figure out what was going on, and he whined in confusion.

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