Chapter 10

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Hey guys! Hope you enjoy this chapter! Thanks so much for reading!


"Who is he?" Lilia asked her mate, only to shake her head at herself.

He wouldn't be able to tell her so she didn't know why she'd asked. She ignored her mate and covered her face with the cloth once again, and pretended all of her problems went away. Just as she was calming down, Lev lifted the cloth again.

She pushed it back. He moved it again.

"Stop!" She sat up, huffing, and glared at him. For not knowing much about mates, he knew he was in trouble. Lev let out a long whine and let his ears droop towards the back of his head. Lilia smoothed her hair back, needing to be in control of something, and moved her glare towards her legs.

"I just—I just want to know what's going on and no one will tell me, and you can't tell me, and that guy is really creepy, and—"

Lev whined again, this time scooting a little bit closer to her, but she was still frowning and glaring at him.

"Can you, can you—are you sure you can't shift?" Lev cocked his head to the side, then lowered it to the floor.

"No?" She wanted an answer out of him. "Shake your head like this for yes, and this for no," she gestured how to say yes or no with her head. He seemed to follow along, then shook his head no.

Lilia visibly deflated and he whined again. Sighing, she reached a hand towards his head. He chuffed and rubbed against her—almost knocking her over. Lilia couldn't help but laugh when she landed in the pile of cloths, blushing at the fact that she still wasn't wearing any clothes.

She sifted through the colorful material and managed to find what looked like a pair of shorts that had been passed down far longer than she had been alive. They were torn and stained, but they would work.

Lilia didn't find a shirt throughout the mess underneath her, so she picked up a random piece of material and held it up to Lev. He cocked his head at her in confusion again.

"Open your mouth," she commanded. Lev's eyes widened and he took a step back. "No—come here, Lev, I just need you to rip it for me."

He walked over to his mate and opened his mouth, looking at the ceiling of his den while she used his teeth to rip the fabric. Soon enough Lilia was tying the fabric around her body, covering her torso and some of her stomach.

She grew cold again, so she wrapped herself back in the cloths and looked towards her mate. Lev laid down next to her a moment later.

"Can I ask you some questions?" Lilia asked quietly. He nodded.

"How long have you been here?" He cocked his head towards her to show he couldn't answer the question. "Oh, right..." she says to herself, "yes or no" it seemed like she didn't have a question to ask.

She snuggled deeper into the blankets, smiling slightly when he laid closer to create more warmth.

"Are your parents...alive?"

Lev shook his head no. Lilia gulped.

"Did that man kill them?"

Lev nodded. Lilia let out a loud breath. A minute passed before her next question.

"What is his name?" As soon as she asked the question, she realized he wouldn't be able to give an answer.

"Can we leave?" The answer to that question was a very rapid no from Lev. Lilia's eyes began to water. She knew it, deep down. She knew when she left her family that she probably wouldn't be returning, but now that it was official, she felt completely helpless.

Taken and Trained ✔️Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum