Chapter 20

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Blood was pooling from his body.

At that moment, time seemed to be slowed down. As the seconds' pass, more blood oozed out.

Tick tock, tick tock, the time goes past the clock. The more they wait, the more time they lose. Well, that is how it works.

Words were starting to be mumbled from Leopold's mouth. Words of refusal. Words of realization. Words of devastation.

Panic amongst the young knights started to arise once they saw Captain Fuegoleon's grimoire fall apart.

Why? Why? Why? How can this be?!? Why now, why here? Why can't Mimosa be here to heal him? Why has fate chosen this path.

(Y/n)'s thoughts were spiraling into a place that won't be spoken of at this moment.

"Leopold, (Y/n)! Give me a hand!" Noelle was already in action, right by Captain Fuegoleon's side ready to assist him in this crisis.

(Y/n) dashed quickly to help Noelle.

How stupid of me! Why did I get lost in my own thoughts at all moments!?! No time to think, all we need to do is help Captain Fuegoleon!

(Y/n)'s hands were shaking, the mana she has at that moment is limited. They're in one of the worst situations they can be in.

"Apollo's Wreath!" As (Y/n) cast the spell she made sure to put it right where his wound was as Noelle was trying to stop the bleeding.

"What happened to all the bravado you just had just a second ago?" His voice was bone-chilling.

As Rades finished his sentence, he sent Leopold flying into the nearby brick wall.

"LEOPOLD!!!" The two girls yelled.

Up above on the wall, another man spoke.

"We've accomplished our goals. We need to get out of here before more Magic Knights arrive."

As soon as his sentence was finished, Asta came.

"You're not... going anywhere...!" He stated in a breathy voice.

Asta was severely injured. Blood was dripping down his face from the big gash on his forehead.

Looking at it, it seems like he ran all the way here to the action, he doesn't have much energy left.

"Your name is Asta, right?" Questioned Rades. "One of these days I'll be back to kill you and make you into my toy!! Wait like a good boy for it!!!"

Noelle and (Y/n) watched as Asta prepared for another fight. He was already extremely wounded yet he still wants to do this?!

What's that idiot thinking?!? Rushing into battle once again!? He's gonna get himself killed one of these days by doing shit like this!

(Y/n) needed to stop worrying, not that she had faith that Asta would win this battle, more of that she needed to focus all her energy on healing Capitan Fuegoleon.

"Asta, give it up! You won't make it!" Nolle shouted at him, but of course, he refused her demand.

Throwing his sword towards the enemy, it landed straight into the ground. Anti-magic started to apparat from it.

Rades and Valtos were in shock by Asta's unusual "Magic" which allowed Asta to strike Rades right in the face.

Rades screamed and yelled in agony at Asta.

Their battle continued, they were arguing during battle.

Asta's anti-magic sure is a pain, especially during battle.

Asking for backup, Valtos plans to attack Asta through a portal he just made.

Both Noelle and (Y/n) saw through Valtos' plans but had their hands too full at the moment to do anything.

"Asta, look out!"

It was too late, Asta was going to get hit, or was he?

Spiraling flames were shot from where Leopold was earlier, seems like he recovered.

"I can't be the only one that's licking my wounds... No matter what, remain calm, right Leon?"

No response, it's not the Captain could give his little brother one. After all, he is on the ground, on the verge of death.

The fog started to form, and out came back up. Backup for the enemy.

One... Two... Three... Four... Five...

Four against seven, but Noelle and (Y/n) are busy healing the Captain so I guess it's 2 against 7.

Not so fair isn't it?

"Tsk... Oh well, the tables have turned in my favor!!" Yelled Rades.

"I can continue fighting... So please watch over me." Leopold asked his brother.

"As for me... I've been facing adversity from the day I was born!" With his two swords in hand, Asta was ready to fight. "NO MATTER HOW MANY OF YOU THERE ARE, OR WHAT HAPPENS... I'LL OVERCOME IT ALL!!!"

Damn these idiots! Both of them! What are they thinking?! Can't they see their injuries?! Are they blind or something?!?? Can't they see what they're up against?!?

(Y/n) knew if they didn't get back up sooner or later, one of them will die...

yayy another chapter done

i'm so sorry this took so long, i just lost my motivation a bit

it's july now, and i still don't have my yuno figure 😭😭😭

where tf is it crunchyroll?!?

i do hope you enjoyed this chapter and i promise to be back soon

bye bye!

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